Page:Masterpieces of Greek Literature (1902).djvu/225

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Accomplished he such labor, toiling so

For Mukenaiau tyrant ; ay, and more —

He crossed the Melian shore 4m

And, by the sources of Amauros, shot

To death that strangers'-pest

Kuknos, who dwelt in Amphanaia : not

Of fame for good to guest !

And next, to the melodious maids he came, 435

Inside the Hesperian court-yard : hand must aim

At plucking gold fruit from the appled leaves.

Now he had killed the dragon, backed like flame,

Who guards the unapproachable he weaves

Himself all round, one spire about the same. 440

And into those sear troughs of ocean dived

The hero, and for mortals calm contrived,

Whatever oars should follow in his wake.

And under heaΛ'en's mid-seat his hands thrust he.

At home with Atlas : and, for valor's sake, 445

Held the gods up their star-faced mansionry.^

Also, the rider-host of Amazons

About Maiotis many-streamed, he went

To conquer through the billowy Euxine once,

Having collected what an armament 450

Of friends from Hellas, all on conquest bent

Of that gold-garnished cloak, dread girdle-chase ! ^

So Hellas gained the girl's barbarian grace

And at Mukenai saves the trophy still —

Go wonder there, who will I 455

to his country. Heracles OTercame the king, and took the horses to Mycenae. See the Alcestis, page 221, line 7oG.

^ While Atlas went to get the apples of the Hesperides for Hera- cles that hero undertook the giant's task of holding the heavens on his shoulders.

2 Eurystheus required Heracles to hring home the girdle of Hippo- lyta, queen of the Amazons.