Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/92

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Luther Hymn on his way to Worms.
Eine feste burg is unser Gott.

<< \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 4/2 \key f \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical \override Stem.neutral-direction = #down 
  f1 f2 f | c4 (d) e2 f4 (e) d2 | \cadenzaOn c1 \cadenzaOff \bar "|" f1 e2 d | c d \stemUp bes4 (a g2) \stemNeutral | \cadenzaOn f1 \cadenzaOff \bar "|"  
  f1 c'2 d | c b c1 | f,1 c'2 d e2. e4 f1 | e1 f2 e | 
  d d c1 | d1 d2 c | d bes a1 | f' e2 d | c d \stemUp bes4 (a g2) \stemNeutral | \cadenzaOn f1 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { God is our re -- fuge & strong fence is our best Arms & Ar -- mour }
\addlyrics { While \markup{\concat{pow\super{rs}}} of dark -- ness now com -- mence their last & grand temp -- tation hour while \markup{\concat{y\super{e}}} old e -- ne -- my as -- saults us ire -- ful -- ly  all arm'd \markup{\concat{w\super{th}}} Strength and art \markup{\concat{w\super{th}}} gin & fie -- ry dart none like him all the World o'er.  }
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key f \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical
  f1 f,2 f' | e c f, g | \cadenzaOn c1 \cadenzaOff \bar "|" d a'2 bes | f bes, g4 f c'2 | \cadenzaOn f,1 \cadenzaOff \bar "|" 
  f' e2 d | e g c,1 | f a,2 bes | g1 f | c' f,2 c' |
  g' g, c1 | bes bes2 f' | fis g d1 | d a'2 bes | 
  << { \voiceOne f1 } \new Voice { \voiceTwo s2 \stemUp bes,2 } >> \oneVoice g4 f c'2 | f1 \bar "|." } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

God is our refuge & strong fence
is our best Arms & Armour
While powrs of darkness now commence
their last & grand temptation hour
while ye old enemy
assaults us irefully
all arm'd wth Strength and art
wth gin & fiery dart
none like him all the World o'er.