Page:Lyra Davidica.djvu/70

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Spiritual Watchfulness.
Mache dich meine Geist bereit.

<< \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 2/2 \key f \major \autoBeamOff 
  a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 c | f, g a2 | d4 d8 ([e]) f4 a, |
  g2 f | a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 c | f, g a2 | d4 d8 ([e]) f4 a, |
  g2 f | c'4 g a2 | d4 a bes2 c4 g a8 ([bes]) c4 | 
  c4. bes8 c2 | d4 d8 ([e]) f4 a, | g4. (f8) f2 \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { O my Soul \markup{\concat{W\super{th}}} prayers & cries Watch & rea -- dy make thee Lest ap -- proach -- ing by Sur -- prise th'e -- vil time o'er Take thee. For a while Sa -- tan's Wile ham -- pers ma -- ny Pi -- _ ous loost to tempt and try Us.}
\new Staff \relative d, { \clef bass \key f \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  f4 f' e e, | d c f2 | bes4 bes' a a,8 [bes] | 
  c4 c,4 f2 | f4 f' e e, | d c f2 | bes4 bes' a a,8 [bes] | 
  c4 c,4 f2 | e'4 e, f f'8 [e] | d4 fis g g8 [fis] | e2 f4 a | 
  g g, c2 | bes4 bes' a a,8 [bes] | c4 c,4 f2 } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

O my Soul Wth prayers & cries
Watch & ready make thee
Lest approaching by Surprise
th'evil time o'er Take thee.
For a while
Satan's Wile
hampers many Pious
loost to tempt and try Us.