Page:Lynch Williams--The stolen story and other newspaper stories.djvu/24

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The Stolen Story

to fire him, and Billy bobbed his head and looked pathetic, and agreed with all they said about him; and, as usual, they told him——"

"Yes, but don't you see," the high collar went on, knowingly, "Billy never let the paper get beaten before. I don't understand it; no matter how absent-minded he was he never fell down on his story. At first they thought he had merely forgotten that we go to press early on Saturday nights—he has to be reminded every time, you know—but when it got later and later, everybody began to guess what was the matter, though nobody wanted to say so. You ought to have heard them swear—I was doing the long wait that night—when they finally locked up and went to press with only the 'flimsy' story that had it five killed instead of nine." In newspaper offices flimsy means News Bureau reports. "Of course," the reporter added, "they correct ed that in the later editions with a lift from The Press, but you know what a botch of a story it was. They sent me out for the steamboat company's end of it, but every-