Page:Lynch Williams--The stolen story and other newspaper stories.djvu/157

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The Great Secretary-of-State Interview

without the queer smile which he had not seen and without the subtle emphasis which he had not appreciated.

"How did you make out?" snapped Van Cise, as Carrington came into the room.

It was getting on toward time to go to press with the last edition, and the city editor was in a hurry to get things cleared up.

Refus returned, jocularly, "Oh, he's the same old fox." He had heard one of the other reporters say that on the way out of the hotel. "Just as we were beginning to get at what we wanted, he jumped up, said he had an engagement and left the room with his stenographer."

The city editor walked on down to the telephone, saying, "Two sticks will do." But on the way back he asked, "Didn't he say anything about Holliday and the Convention?"

"Hardly anything. Said Holliday would have the backing of the administration, but——"

The city editor stopped short. "That Holliday would have what? Say that again." He looked sharply at the boy.