Page:List of inscriptions on Christian tombs and tablets of historical interest in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh.djvu/267

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LuCKxow. 247 Goad made a gallant attempt to rescue his body but failed. It was found next day and the remains burled in a grove.] (References : Forrest ; Roberts.) LOTAN BAGH. 933.— 1B58— PRICE, J. G., Major. Ins eripUon :- Sacred to the memory of Major John Griflfith Price,' 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays), who died of fever at the Musa Bagh, on the 12th of May 1858. This tablet is erected by his brother officers. [At Lotan Bagh, north of the Malihabad road.] MUSA BAGH. 934.— 1858— WALE, F., Captain. Ins cripH on :—Sa.cred to the memory of Captain F. Wale, who raised and. commanded the l&t Sikh Irregular Cavalry, killed in action at Luckuow on the 21st March 1858. This monument is erected by Captain L. B. 'Jones, Acting-Commandant, 1st Sikh Irregular Cavalry, as a token of regard for his officer, whom he admired both as a friend and a soldier. Captain Wale lived and died a Christian soldier. [This occurred dunnj the pursuit of the enemy alter Lucknow had been reduced, brigadier Campbell by some misconception did not send his cavalry in pursuit till too late, and after a s'ern chase of several miles Wale gave the order to halt. " Then from the far side of a ravine, a solitary figure fired his musket at a group of officers " and killed Wale, shooting him in the throat and mouth. In a few minutes *^to the deep grief of his ofiicers and men, by whom he was loved as few commanding officers are ever loved, poor Wale breathed hiS last." Frederick .Wale (1822— 1858) was the 8th son of General S.r C. Wale, K.C.B., of H. M.'s 33rd Regiment, out ol a family of 16. The family belongs to Sheliord and traces its descent to Richard Fitz Wale of Eydon, iemj). Henry II.] (References : Forrest ; Roberts : Burke L. G.) NEAR VILLAGE OF BARGAWAJN'. 935.-1857-58- OFFICERS and MEN, 5TH FUSILIERS. In^ scription : — This column is erected by the officers, non-commis- sioned officers and privates of the 5th Fusiliers, to their undermen- tioned comrades who fell during the occupation of the Alam Bagh Camp under Sir J. Outram, K.C.B., 1857-58 : Lieutenant J. Brown ; Armour- Sergeant H. Whitnorth ; Sergeant W. Walters ; Private W. Anderson ; Private W. Baldry ; Private T. Hill ; Private D.McEvoy; Private H. Wright; Private I. Baker; Private L. Martin ; Private W. Chamberlain ; Private I. Ckray ; Private J. Kelly ; Private.T. Mora ; Private I. Monaghan ; Private W. Connolly ; Private D. Donnolly ; Private R. Preston; Private I. Doughty ; Private W. Pottle ; Private W. Moran ; Private W. Messenger. Sacred to the memory of James Samuel Swinton, Lieutemmt, Ben- gal Infantry, who died here on the 29th October 1858, aged 19, in consequence of severe fatigue and exposure at Cawnpore and Luck- now. He fought the good fight and trusted in his Redeemer. [Sufficient just.ce has seldom been done to Outram's defence of the Alam Bagh between the 2nd relief and the capture of Lucknow. His position extend- ed from the Alam Bagh to Ram Bagh and thence across to Jalalabad on one s:da and also east, a circuit of about 11 miles. He was to keep the rebels at Lucknow in check, and had some 4,000 men to do it with : whilst of rebels there were about 120,000. He was attacked in force six times, and succesfully repulsed all attacks. The 5th Fus.hers was one of his regiments and d.d good servce (Cf. also nos. 901 and 937.) The village of Bargawan was included in hishnes and the 6th FusiLers were posted close to it.] (Reference ; Forrest.)