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Acts: Grey’s Electoral Bill, 25, 43; Beer Tax Bill, 26; Hall’s Triennial Parliament Bill, 43; passed 46; Qualification of Electors Act, 46; Property-tax, passed, repealed 46; Rolleston’s Land Act, 54; Hall’s Representation Act, 63; Seddon’s Auction Bill, 67; Abolition of gold duty, 68; Seddon’s Payment of Members Bill, 70, 72; Grey’s Annexation and Confederation Bill, 73; Repeal of Roads and Bridges Construction Act, 78; Charitable Aid Act, 79; Women’s Property Act, 82; Grey’s Land Settlement Bill, 82; Ballance’s Land Acquisition Bill, 83; Atkinson’s Tariff Bill, 96; Property Tax Amendment, 102; Atkinson’s Representation Bill, 108; Hare Voting System, 109; Property Tax, repealed, Land and Income Tax passed, 161, 384; Hall’s Female Franchise Bill, defeated, 161; Electoral Bill, 162; Mackenzie’s Land Bill, 163; Electoral Bill, 183, 184; becomes law, 187; Conciliation and Arbitration Bill, 200; Criminal Code Act, 202; Alcoholic Liquor Sale Control Act, 203; Bank of New Zealand Share Guarantee Bill, 211; passed 213; its terms, 214; Employment of Females Act, 224; Employment of Females and Others Act, 226; Employers’ Liability Act, 226; Contractors’ Debts Act, 227; Workmen’s Wages Act, 227; Master and Apprentice Bill, 228; Registration of Trades Unions, 228; Law Society’s Act, 229; Eight Hours Bill, 229; Factories Act, 232; Coal-mine Bill, 232; Threats and Molestations Bill, 233; Truck Act, 234; Employers’ Liability Act Amendment Act, 234; Consolidating Factories Act, 235; Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 238; becomes law, 242; Industrial Arbitration Bill, 252; Shops and Shop-assistants Act, 270; Act providing compensation to Workers for accidents, 272; Dairy Act, 275; State Coal-mines Act, 277; Municipal rating on unimproved values, 279; Sir John Mackenzie’s Act to secure homes for the people, 283; McNab’s Testator’s Family Maintenance Act, 284; Manual and Technical Instruction Act, 284; Teachers’ Superannuation Act, 285; Maori Lands Administration Act, 287; Land and Income Assessment Act, 291; Land for Settlements Act, 294; Ward’s Advances to Settlers Act, 300; Seddon’s Preferential and Reciprocal Trade Act, 323; Midwives Act, 341; Old Age Pensions Act, 325, 383.
Agricultural Company, Auckland, 216.
Arbitration: one Court, 238; dreaded, 241; opposed by Legislative Council, 242; Arbitration possible without conciliation, 247; Industrial Arbiration Bill, 252; dispute between Boot Manufacturers and Workers, 254; Court upheld by Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, 260; value of judge’s legal training, 264; Court earned respect and appreciation, 266; promoted conciliatory spirit, 266; absence of strikes and lock-outs, 267.
Atkinson, Sir Harry, Colonial Treasurer, 44, 49; property tax, 44; Customs duties, 45; Premier, 49; tours colony, 53; scheme for national annuities, 53; number of supporters, 56; forms new ministry, 58; yet supported by minority, 60; joined by E. Wakefield, 60; efforts at coalition with Stout-Vogel, 61; when a labourer, 66; last continuous government, 89; borrows money, 91; his attitude to unemployed, 92; his Financial Statement of 1888,95; tea-duty, 96; ‘hobnail boots policy,’ 97; defeated by Seddon, 98; his Representation Act, 108; ill-health, 111; averse to further retrenchment, 119; attitude towards maritime strike, 129; refused to resign, 139; forced by ill-health to accept Speakership of Legislative Council, 142; control of railways by commissioners, 279; a humanist, 328.
Ballance, John, Native Minister and Minister for Lands, 56; consolidates land laws, 82; votes with the Conservatives, 97; offered leadership of Liberal Party, 100; attacks property-tax, 103; plan of campaign, 112; speech on Address-in-Reply, 113; moves dissolution, 115; demands instant resignation of the government, 138; Premier etc., 143; breaks down in health, 169; death, 172; Mr. Seddon’s eulogy, 173; an early advocate of women’s franchise, 183; his Electoral Bill, 184; land policy, 291.
Bank of New Zealand: Crisis, 204; Mr. G. Buckley’s speech, 205; conference, Sir Joseph Ward, Mr. Seddon, Mr. Murray, 207; Bank’s proposal to Government, 209; terms of Banking Act, 214; Estates Co., 215; amalgamation with Colonial Bank, 217.
Bills: See Acts.
Bradshaw, Mr., mover of Eight Hours Bill, 231.
Buckley, Sir Patrick, his Charitable Aid Act, 79; Attorney General, Colonial Secretary, and Postmaster-General, 143 Minister for Mines, 177.
Cadman, Sir A. J., Commissioner of Stamp Duties, 144.