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The Life and Work of Richard John Seddon

“Your thirteen years’ Premiership has brought progress, prosperity and happiness to the people.”

“Congratulations to the May King.”

“Fourteenth lap.”

“Most hearty congratulations on completion of your thirteenth year as Premier and to New Zealand on the happy and prosperous state to which she has been brought through your wise and beneficent statecraft. May the happy bond of union remain unbroken for years to come. Kia ora.[1]

“May you continue for the colony’s benefit for thirteen more.”

“Congratulations on the fourteen, not out; hurrah!”

“May you carry out your bat.”

“Warmest congratulations on your remarkable record; time only adds to your lustre; many happy returns of the anniversary.”

“Banzai! Long live the King!”

“Please accept my heartiest congratulations on passing the thirteenth mile post, and still retaining unabated confidence people New Zealand. Long life.”

The same deluge of messages poured in upon him as the result of each general election during his Premiership was made known in the newspapers of the colony. His last contest was fought in December, 1905. It was his greatest victory. For his opponents it was a débâcle, and as the result of that election the old Conservative Party practically passed away. The following may be selected from the immense piles of messages that almost smothered him the day after the poll:—

“Thank God!”

“Kapai, Rangatira; kia ora, ake, ake, ake.”[2]

“Congratulations for earning the confidence of the whole country that loves you so well.”

“Verdict of the country should greatly encourage you to further service for good of people.”

“Hearty congratulations on the practically unanimous recognition of your liberal and progressive administration.”

“The greatest victory for Liberalism in the annals of the world.”

“O King, live for ever!”

“Hurrah! King Dick still.”

“Fifteen years’ service rewarded. Hurrah!”

“Truth prevails, virtue hath its own reward.”

“Te Whiti said, ‘The potato is cooked.’”

“Congratulations. Steering on the old straight course, avoiding dangerous reefs.”

“I salute the admiral. ’Tis a glorious victory.”

“Good old Dick. I don’t like it, but you are a warrior.”[3]

“Unprecedented success, you’re simply knee-deep in clover.”

“Old song says, ‘And it was a glorious victory.’”

“Kia ora koe.”

“Congratulations from Canada.”

  1. Maori for “Good luck” or “Long life”
  2. Maori for “Well done chief, live on for ever.”
  3. From an Opposition candidate