Page:Legislative History of the AAF and USAF.djvu/66

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�This Page Declassified lAW EO12958 TLT?_? ?ISTORrC&L S?'*IJ'D?[E$ ? 59 ment, and personnel estimates for use m logistic planning; 5) determining relative priorities in military procurement; 6) pro? motrag efiiclency and economy in the or- ganization of production, procurement, and d?str?bution facilities; and 7) performing other functions mconnectionwithmateriel. A Research and Development Board was established to advise the Secretary of De- fense on matters of sinenteric research re!a- t?ve to the national security and to hnn in assuring adequate provision for re- search and devolopment on scientific prob- lems relating to the national security. The board was to consist of a chmrman ap- pointed from civilran life and two represen- tatives each from the Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Provision was also made for the Secretary of Defense, the chairman of the Nattonal Security Resources Board, and the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to point such advisory committees and person- nel as they consxdered necessary m carry- mg out their respective functions and those of agenmos under their control. Finally, the Act authorized the appropri- ation of such funds as were necessary to carry ou? its prowsions. ?s SETTING UP THE NATIONAL MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT On 26 July 1947, immedmtely after ap- proving the National Security Act, Pres?- dent Truman signed an executxve order set- ting forth the functions of the armed forces. Then he nominated James Forfestal as the first Secretary of Defense. On the following 17 September Forfestal took the oath of office. Kenneth C. Royal became the first Sec- retary of the Army under the new setup, John H. Sulhvan the first Secretary of the Navy, and W. Stuart Symington, who had served as Assistant Secretary of War for Air since early in 1946, the first Secretary of the Air Force. There was httle change m the composl- txon of the Joint Chtefs of Staff, except that the title of General Carl Spaatz changed from Commanding General, AAF, to Chief of Staff, USAF. Admiral Nimitz remained as Chief of Naval Operations, and General Eisenhower as Army Cinef of Staff. T. Hartroves became chairman o? the Mum- lions Board, and Dr. Vannevar Bush, cha?r- man of the Research and Development Board.?4 As the Army Air Forces was already largely an independent and ael?-aufficient organization, the task of settang up the third branch of the m?Iitary service was a relatnvely easy one. The greatest problem was the simple realignment of ultimate partmental control and junsdlction. ? timpaling the enactment of the National Security Act, the Army and the A?r Force began m July to prepare their plan for an orderly transfer from the Army to the A?r Force of those functions necessary to the establishment of the Department of the Air Force and the Urnted States Air Force (USAF) in an independent status.? Thmr plan was based on some 200 Amy- Air Force agreements submatted ?o the Sec- retary of Defense m September 1047 and approved by him as a basis for formal trans- fers of functions. On 26 December 194? the Secretary of Defense approved Trarmfer Order Number 1 which brought the per- sonnel of the Army Air Forces into the Department of the Air Force and the United States Air Force. This constituted the first substantive act in creating the new depart- ment, and was followed by other transfer orders. By 30 June 1948, 60 per cent of these transfer projects were completed." F?nally, Transfer Order No. 40, dated 22 July 1949, consigned to the Air Force what were regarded as the remaining necessary and appropriate powers, functions, and duties, thus completing the process of transfer w?thin the two-year period speci- fied by the National Defense ActJ s The Army-A?r Force transfer agreements, although framed primarily for the purpose of separating the Air Force from the Army, were in many instances mgnificant unffica? lion measures. For example, it was agreed that the Army Chief of Engineers would act as the construction contracting agent and real estate dealer for the two services. General provimons were made for the Army THIS PAGE Declasstried lAW EO12958