Page:Lefty o' the Bush.djvu/69

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Two balls followed swiftly, the batter ignoring them both, although with every nerve taut.

"Got to put 'em over, Jocko," called the coacher. "You can't pull that little Canuck."

Hoover handed up a "spitter," and Labelle missed cleanly.

"He never could touch you," chuckled the first baseman.

"You've got his measure," declared the shortstop.

"Give him another in the same place," urged the guardian of third.

"Oh, let him hit," begged the center fielder. "He won't get it out of the diamond."

Again, and once again, the Canadian fouled; and then Hoover caught him with a deceptive slant for another clean miss, and Labelle retired, disappointed.

Stark came next, and, like the leading sticker, his best efforts resulted only in weak fouls, the