Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/50

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Leaves of Knowledge

of Tillamook on Tillamook Bay, which has large cheese factories.

On the west side of the Willamette river are McMinnville, Dallas, Monmouth, Independence, Dayton and Newberg, while on the east side are Woodburn, Mt. Angel and Silverton, constituting the great hop growing localities, with Salem, the center and distributing point. Through this stretch of country are seen everywhere the buildings for the drying of hops, and during the autumn months there is a scene of continual activity for the growers, pickers, pressers and buyers, getting the hops ready for shipment to eastern markets, principally to be used by the large breweries. The soil and climate are especially adapted to the production of hops, and from the proceeds the owners receive an exceptionally good profit, about two million dol-