Page:Leaves of Grass (1860).djvu/267

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Poem of Joys.

1.O to make a most jubilant poem!
O full of music! Full of manhood, womanhood,
O full of common employments! Full of grain and

2.O for the voices of animals! O for the swiftness and
balance of fishes!
O for the dropping of rain-drops in a poem!
O for the sunshine and motion of waves in a poem.

3.O to be on the sea! the wind, the wide waters
O to sail in a ship under full sail at sea.

4.O the joy of my spirit! It is uncaged! It darts like
It is not enough to have this globe, or a certain time
—I will have thousands of globes, and all time.

5.O the engineer's joys!
To go with a locomotive!
