Page:Karel Čapek - The Absolute at Large (1927).djvu/236

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The Absolute at Large

"What, against us?"

"Against the French, they say."

"Good heavens above, everything will be dear again."

"Yes, yes."

"Aye, yes."

"What's the use?"

"They say that the Swiss wrote not long ago that the others might give it up soon."

"That's what I say."

"Yes. Why, the day before yesterday I paid fifteen hundred crowns for a candle. I tell you, Blahous, it was one of those miserable things only fit for the stable."

"And you mean to say it cost you fifteen hundred?"

"Not far off. There's a rise for you, friends!"

"Aye, yes."

"My word, yes."

"Who's ever have thought it? Fifteen hundred!"

"You could get a fine candle for two hundred at one time."

"Yes, auntie, but that's years ago. Why, even an egg only cost five hundred in those days." "And you could get a pound of butter for three thousand."

"And lovely butter, too!"

"And boots for eight thousand."