Page:Kangaroo, 1923.pdf/60

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and cold. He turned to go indoors. And as he did so he heard a motor-car run quickly along the road, and saw the bright lights come to a stop at the gate of Wyewurk. Wyewurk was in darkness already. But a man left the car and came along the path to the house, giving a peculiar whistle as he did so. He went round to the back door and knocked sharply, once, twice, in a peculiar way. Then he whistled and knocked again. After which he must have heard an answer, for he waited quietly.

In a few minutes more the lights switched on and the door opened; Jack was there in his pyjamas.

"That you, Jaz boy?" he said in a quiet tone. "Why the blazes didn't you come half an hour sooner, or half a minute later? You got me just as I'd taken the jump, and I fell all over the bloomin' hedge. Come in. You'll make a nervous wreck of me between you."

The figure entered. It was William James, the brother-in-law. Somers heard him go again in about ten minutes. But Harriet did not notice.