Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/589

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The following Book, published by the Editor, has just appeared : BOTANIKER ADRESSBUCH (Botanist's Directory — Almanach des Botanistes) A LIST of Names and Addresses of the living Botanists of all Countries, of the Botanical Gardens and of the Institutes, Companies, and Periodical Publications devoted to Botany. Published and Edited by J. Dorfler. 19 Sheets, Size 8vo. Cloth bound. Price 10 Mark = 6 fl. = 12.50 fr. = 10/- = $2.40. Can be obtained post-free upon remittance of amount to — J. DOPiFLER, Vienna (in Aurtria), III. Barichgasse 36. On the 2Qth of every Month, price Gd. ; 6s. a year, post-free to any part of the World. THE ENTOMOLOGIST: An Illustrated Journal of General Entomology, Lithographed Plates by the best Entomological Artists, and frequent Woodcuts. London: WEST, NEWMAN <(: Co,, 54, Hatton Garden. NATURE: A WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. One of the leading objects of this periodical is to awaken in the public mind a more lively interest in Science. With this end in view it provides original Articles and Reviews, written by men of science of the highest distinction in their various departments, expounding in a popular and yet authentic manner the results of scientific research, discussing the most recent scientific discoveries, and pointing out the bearing of Science upon civilization and progress, and its claims to more general recognition, as well as to a higher place in the educational system of the country. Published every Thursday, price 6d. Yearly Subscription, 28s. ; Half-yearly, 14s. 6d. ; Quarterly, 7s. 6d. To all places abroad : Yearly, 80s. 6d.; Half-yearly, 15s. 6d.; Quarterly, 8s. Money Orders to be made payable at Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C. MACMILLAN dt Co., Ltd., Bedford Street, Strand, W.C. Established lysi.

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