Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/540

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504 TWO NEW BBAMBLES FROM IRELAND. 19. Viscum subserratum, sp. n. Eamis primum tetragonis, demum subteretibus distanter foliatis, glaberrimis ; foliis spathu- lato-obovatis obtusis, basi in petiolum brevem attenuatis, margine serrulatis, crassis, 3-5-nerviis (folia Cinnamomi in mentem revo- cantibus) petiolo incluso 2-3-4 cm. longis, supra medium 1 •5-2*5 cm. latis ; floribus in fasciculis axillaribus subextra-axillaribusve paucifloris, pedicellis subdivaricatis apice bibracteatis vel potius bisquamatis ; fructibus ovoideo-oblongis, coccineis (?) dense verru- cosis apice stj'lo brevi persistente coronatis, 0*5-0-8 cm. longis, medio fere vix 05 cm. diametientibus. In regione austro-orientali : in CussonicB specie in coUibus prope Barberton (Transva alias), alt. c. 3500 ped., Sept. 1889, E. E. Gal- pi7iy No. 452. Of this I have unfortunately only fruiting specimens, but as the fruits are of the most importance in the genus, I have ventured to describe the plant. Amongst the South African species F. sub- serratum should rank next to F. ohscurum Thbg. and F. obovatum Harv., from both of which it is well distinguished by its serrulate leaves and the tuberculated berries. F. vernicosum Harv., the only other species with tuberculated berries, is a leafless plant. I am not quite sure about the colour of the berries in our plant, but, judging from the dried specimens, it seems to have been red. 20. Gladiolus oreocharis, sp. n. Gracilis, erectus, habitu G. brevifolii Jacq. ; cormo ignoto ; caule pedali stricto, glaberrimo, tereti ; foliis c. 3, quorum infimum lineari-setaceum acutissimum, rigidum, cauli sui3£equilongum, superiora 2 abbreviata; spica pauci- llora secunda; spathge valvi exteriore oblongo obtuso, apice sub- membranaceo, brunneo-virescente, valvi interiore breviore ; peri- anthii tubo subrecto, pro magnitudine floris conspicuo, apicem versus paulo dilatato, segmentis oblongis obtusiusculis suberectis, supremo quam inferioribus paulo majore ; staminibus quam corollae segmentis paulo brevioribus ; stylo corolhTe asquilongo, brachiis oblongo-falcatis, brevibus. In regione austro-occidentali : in saxosis humidis, in monte " Matroosberg," alt. c. 6000 ped., Dec. 1895, B. Marloth, No. 2265. This species should, I think, be placed next to G. gracilis Jacq., which it resembles in general appearance, but from which it differs by its long corolla-tube with subequal segments, and by the smaller flowers with larger obtuse spathe-valves. Unfortunately the only specimen which I received from the collector is destitute of a corm. The flowers in a living state are evidently purplish. TWO NEW BEAMBLES FROM IRELAND. By the Rev. W. Moyle Rogers, F.L.S. , Rubus hesperius, sp. n. (or var. n.). Stem bluntly angular with deeply striate faces, glabrous or with a few scattered very short hairs. Prickles short with long compressed bases, falcate or declining, thickly but unequally scattered and only partially co7ifined to