Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/493

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CAPE ALG^. 459 B. FiiANAGANi Bart. British Kaffraria, Flanagan ! B. cupREssiNA Lam. Cape Point, Boodle ! Plettenberg Bay, Weber van Bosse ! CoDiUM MAMILLOSUM Harv. Illovo, Weber van Bosse ! Floride^. Bangia ciliaris Carm. Sea Point, Weber van Bosse Dasyphila cryptocarpa Sclim. (= Ptilota cryptocarpa Holmes). Kowie, Becker ! Cape Morgan, Flanagan ! After examination of this plant, I am compelled to agree with Prof. Schniitz as to its position in the genus Dasyphila. The cystocarps entirely agree with those of D. Preissii. Haloplegma africanum Kiitz. Algoa Bay, Herb. Binder ! sub nomine Zonarice rosea. Kowie, Becker ! Natal, Buperti ! Major Reinbold kindly allowed me to see the original plant on which Kiitzing founded his species. In outward form it resembles H. Dupeirgi Mont., but even with a lens the difference in the growth of the peripheral filaments is distinct. In H. afncanum they have the appearance of being combed out in patterns, owing to their regular size and position on the thallus. H. Duperryi has none of this appearance, and looks more or less flat and spongy. Thamnoclonium proliferum Sond. Cape, Herb. Liibeck ! Major Reinbold most kindly sent me from the Hamburg Her- barium the original specimen of Chondrus scutellatus Hering, collected by Krauss at Port Natal. The fruiting specimen = Gigartina fastigl- ata J. Ag., and the sterile plant is clearly different, having the whole interior filled with roundish, thick- walled cells. It is too young to be named with accuracy. Prof. J. G. Agardh, in Spec. Gen. et Ord. in. pt. i. 148, mentions Chondrus scutellatus Kiitz. Tab. Phyc. xvii. tab. 56, as a synonym for Polyopes constrictus J. Ag. Kiitzing, however, at this place and in Spec. Alg. 736, though referring the plant to Hering, mentions it as being collected by Pappe. The Kiitzing plant is clearly a different plant from the real Chondrus scutellatus of Hering. Prionitis nodi/era Bart. == Gigartiyia nodifera Hering. .Natal, Krauss I Evans ! Weber van Bosse ! Major Reinbold has most kindly allowed me to see Hering's original specimen of G. nodifera, and I find it is a species of Prionitis. The same species has also been sent to the British Museum by Mr. Evans, of Natal, and Mrs. Weber van Bosse has interesting forms of it found by herself at the same locality. The fruiting portion is knotted and twisted at the top, and is shorter than the sterile fronds, which are long and sword-shaped. Gigartina insignis Schmitz MS. = Iridceainsignis Endl. & Dies. Kowie, Becker The specimen recorded in my former list as *' G. Teedii Lam. Port Alfred, Slavinl" appears to be a hybrid between G. Teedii and G. pistillata J. Ag. Such a plant is described by Prof. Agardh in Spec. Alg. ii. 264, as G. pistillata var. pectinata. Through the kindness of Prof. Falkenberg, I have been allowed to see a plant 2 H 2