Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/486

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452 REVISION OF EXTRA-TROPICAL SOUTH AFRICAN ASCLEPIADAOE-E. 9. A. HUMiLis Schltr. /. c. xx. Beibl. 51, 26 (1895). Pachycarpus humilis E. Mey. I.e. 212 (1837). Gomphocarpus humilis Dene. I. c. 661 (1844). Wittebergen, Orange Free State, Transvaal. 10. A. BuRCHELLii Schltr. in Journ. Bot. 1895, 336. Gompho- carpus tomentosus Barch. Trav. i. 543 (1822). G. lanatus E. Mey. I. c. 202 (1837) ; Dene. I. c. 558 (1844). Graff Reinet, Somerset East, Queenstown, Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, British Bechuanaland. 11. A. ALBENS Schltr. Pachycarpus albens E. Mey. I. c. 214 (1837). Gomphocarpus albens Dene. I. c. 559 (1844). Uitenhage, Albany, Kaffraria, East Griqualand, Natal. 12. A. APPENDicuLATA Schltr. Pachycarpus aijpendiculatiis E. Mey. I. c. 210 (1837). Gomphocarpus appendiculatus Dene. I. c. 562 (1844). Kaffraria, Pondoland, Natal. 13. A. BREvicuspis Schltr. Lagarinthus hrevicuspis E. Mey. I.e. 214 (1837). Gomphocarpus hrevicuspis D. Dietr. I.e. 900 (1840); Dene. I.e. 559. Albany, Kaffraria, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Natal, Trans- vaal. 14. A. coNcoLOR Schltr. Pachycarpus concolor E. Mey. I.e. 210 (1837). Gomphocarpus concolor Dene. /. c. 563 (1844). Albany, Kaffraria, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Natal. 15. A. DEALBATA Schltr. Pachycavpus dealhatus E. Mey. I.e. 211 (1837). P. ligulatus E. Mey. I.e. 211 (1837). Gomphocarpus deal- hatus Dene. I. c. 563 (1844). G. alatus Schltr. Abh. Bot. Ver. Brandbg. xxxv. (1893), 51. Swellendam, Riversdale, George, Uitenhage, Albany, Kaffraria, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Natal, Zululand. 16. A. Dregeana Schltr. Pachycarpus viridiflorus E. Mey. I.e. 214 (1837). Gomphocarpus viridiflorus Dene. I. c. 561 (1844). Uitenhage, Albany, Kaffraria, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Natal, Zululand, Orange Free State, Transvaal. 17. A. eustegioides Schltr. Lagarinthus eustegioides E. Mey. /. e. 206 (1837). Gomphocarpus eustegioides D. Dietr. I. e. 900 (1840) ; Dene. I. c. 559 (1844). Wittebergen. 18. A. EXPANSA Schltr. Lagarinthus expansus E. Mey. /. c. 206 (1837). Gomphocarpus expansus D. Dietr. I.e. 901 (1840); Dene. I. e. 560 (1844). Kaffraria, Albany, East Griqualand, Pondoland. 19. A. GiBBA Schltr. Lagarinthus gibhus E. Mey. I. e. 204. Gomphocarpus gibhus D. Dietr. /. c. 900 (1840) ; Dene. I. c. 559 (1844). Albany, Kaffraria, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Natal, Zulu- land, Orange Free State, Transvaal. 20. A. HASTATA Schltr. Gomphocarpus hastatus E. Mey. I.e. 201 (1837) ; Dene. I. e. 560 (1844). G. geminatus Schltr. in Engl. Jahrb. xviii. Beibl. 45, 8 (1844). Kaffraria.