Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/414

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384 NEW OR CRITICAL BRITISH MARINE ALG^. 75. GoMPHONEMA TENELLUM Kiitz. (W. Sm. I. c. 80, t. xxix. fig. 243). Inkuyuni, Kamassia. 76. G. CAPITATUM Ehrnb. (W. Sm. I. c. t. xxviii. fig. 237). Inkuyuni, Kamassia. 77. Ehoicosphenia ? contracta (Kiitz.) Eabh. {Fl. Euro}j. Algar. i. 292). G. Laschan, Leikipia. Explanation of Plate 361. a, a' = front view (a fronte visa). c = side view (a latere visa). b = vertical view (a vertice visa). d = basal view of semicell (a basi visa). Figs. 1-2. Nostocliopsis lobatus Wood. 520/1. h, stalked heterocysts ; h ' sessile heterocysts. Fig. 3. Coelosphceriwn confertuvi, n. sp. A few of the cells. 830/1. „ 4. Coelastrum Morus, n. sp. 520/1. Figs. 5-6. Arthrospira plateiisis (Nordst.) Gomont. 520/1. ,, 7-8. Gosniarium glohulatum, n.ST^. 520/1. Fig. 9. „ pectinoides Wolle. 520/1. „ 10. Euastrum hexagomim, n. sp. 520/1. ,, 11. Cosmarium Mwangadanense, n. sp. 520/1. „ 12. „ trochiscum, n. sp. 520/1. „ 13. Staurastrum nephroideum, n. sp. 520/1. „ 14. Cosmarium rectangulare Grun. var. africanum, n. var. 520/1. „ 15. „ siihcostatum Nordst. forma minor. 520/1. „ 16. Staui'astrum siibdilatatum, n.S]p. 520/1. „ 17. Cosmarium subvenustum, n. sp, 520/1. ,, 18. Closterium Uttorale G&y, av. crassum, n.YSiV. 520/1. NEW OR CRITICAL BRITISH MARINE ALG^. By E. a. L. Batters, B.A., LL.B., F.L.S. The species recorded in the accompanying list are, so far as I am aware, new to Britain ; and, with the exception of the Litho- thamnia, nearly all of them have been added to our marine flora during the last few months, principally through the exertions of Mr. George Brebner, who still continues his research-work at Plymouth with the most satisfactory results. For the identification of the Lithothamnia I am indebted to Mr. M. Foslie, of Trondhjem. 1. OsciLLATOKiA KOSEA = OscHlaHa rosea Crn. Flor. Finist. 113, pi. 2, gen. 16. Trichomata deep purple-red, from 2 to 4 mm. long and from 4 to 5 /x in diameter, more or less bent and twisted, slightly curved at the apex ; cells about as long as broad ; apical cell sharply pointed. On a polyzoan attached to a piece of broken bottle dredged from deep water, "Queen's Ground," Plymouth, G. Brebner. When fresh the trichomes of this species are of a clear purple- red colour, which soon fades when the plant is mounted in Dean's medium. In all respects the British specimen agrees with the figure and description of the species given by the Crouans. 2. Symploca atlantica Gom. Monog. Oscil. 129, var. puepukea, nov. var. Erect filaments from 800 /x to 1 mm. long and from 6 to