Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/385

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NEW PHILIPPINE PLANTS. 867 diameter. The short stout pedicels are 4-5 mm. long ; the leaves 2-5-4-5 mm. long, 1*5 to nearly 3-5 broad. The pale brown bracts are 9-13 mm. long, the pedicels 13 mm. The deep crimson bell- shaped flowers are borne in umbels of three, and are 2*5 cm. long by 2'75 cm. across. The slightly pubescent corolla-tube is 12 mm. long ; the lobes are 12 mm. long, and 12 mm. across the top. The stamens including the anthers (3 mm.) are 17-20 mm. long ; the ovary 1-5 cm. Near the Bornean R. verticillatum Low, but distinguished by the shape of its leaves, especially the marked tendency to a wedge-shape, the few-flowered inflorescence, and the hairy, not scaly, pedicels and ovary. Rhododendron subsessile, sp. nov. Lignosus, ramis tereti- bus cum setulis brunneis appressis indutis ; foliis ovalibus, apice abrupte breviter et obtuse mucronatis, petiolis et facie inferiore laminae, prsecipue in venis, brunne setuliferis, facie superiore cum setulis albis induta ; bracteis laete brunneis ovatis vel orbiculari- ovatis, mucronatis ; flore solitario subsessile, inter minores ; calyce lobis 5 subrotundis fimbriatis ; corolla rosea late infundibuliforme, tubo sub-brevi lato, lobis ovatis vel ovato-oblongis, staminum fila- mentis in parte inferiore breviter pilosis, superne glabris ; ovario 5-loculare subrotundo dense piloso, stylo flexuoso basi piloso. Hab. North-west-central Luzon, highland of Lepanto. The younger shoots are covered with closely-packed upwardly- directed appressed brownish bristles, which in the third season are wearing off; the shoots of the third season are 3 mm. in diameter. The leaves, which are scattered along the shoot, vary in length of lamina from less than 2 to 4 cm., and in breadth from 6 to 14 mm. ; the petiole is from 3 to 6 mm. long. The broad bracts are 8-9 mm. long ; the hairy pedicel 4 mm., the calyx-lobes 2-3 mm. The broad corolla-tube is 9 mm. long, 5 mm. in diameter below, and only slightly more above ; the lobes are 12 mm. long, 8-9 mm. broad. Some of the stamens have fallen ; those present are 2 cm. long. The short ovary (3 mm. long) is densely covered with shiny reddish upwardly directed hairs ; the uniform style is 2 cm. long, ending in a small capitate stigma. Is near H. ledifolium G. Don, but is, I think, distinct ; the solitary almost sessile flower is much smaller than in the Chinese- Japanese species. Microstylis mindorensis, sp.nov. Glabra, caule, in speci- mine unico, basin carente, erecto cum foliis binis dissitis ovatis acutis, 7-nerviis, margine crispulis ; scapo parte inferiore nudo, superne racemum multiflorum formante ; bracteis viridibus mem- branaceis triangulo-setaceis deflexis ; floribus pro genere magnis purpureis ; sepalis petalisque subaequalibus ; sep. dorsali ligulato- oblongo 3-nervio, lateralibus oblongis 4-nerviis ; petalis ligulatis 3-nerviis ; labello magno orbiculare, lobo medio apice bifido, lobis lateralibus in auriculas post columnam imbricatas productis ; columna brevi, stelidiis incurvatis obtusis. Hab. Mindoro Is., Mt. Dulangau.