Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/380

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352 A NOTE ON NOMENCLATUEE. By B. Daydon Jackson, Sec.L.S. In the haste to discover startling novelties in nomenclature, ifc is but natural that many mistakes should be made; the following in- stance is worthy of attention as denoting a tendency to overlook facts, and to mislead others who have not access to the authors quoted. Professor 0. S. Sargent, in his Silva of North America, ix. 27, employs Sweet's name Fagus americcma for a tree which has hitherto been known as F. ferruginea Ait. ; he cites as his authority Miinchhausen, Der Hausvater, v. 162 (1770). This work seems to be scarce ; I did not know of the existence of a copy in London until the printing of the Index Keivensis was proceeding, and then I found an imperfect copy in the library of the Linnean Society, which had been in the possession of Linnaeus, but had not been catalogued, and so escaped attention. I will extract the portions which relate to the tree in question, so as to make clear the actual position of facts. The title of the same memoir varies, as shown by the use of parentheses in the following : — (Ausfiihrliches) Verzeichniss aller Baiime und Stauden welche in Deutschland (in freyer Luft) fortkommen (oder als solche angesehen werden konnen). — Bd. v. Th. i. S. 79-365. p. 161.] LXXI. - 1. FAGUS. Biichen . . . I. Fagus sylvatica. . . Der gemeine Buchbaum. The Beech Tree. Franz. Le Hetre, Fau, Feau, Fouteau. Einer der gemeinsten Baiime in unsern Waldern. p. 162.] b. -■• Fagus foliis ex luteo variegatis. Eine varietat mit gelb gescheckten Blattern. c. * Fagus sylvatica foliis atro-rubentibus. Die Blutbiiche. The Purple Beech Tree. Eine blosse zufallige Varietat, mit dunkel pur- purfarbenen Blattern, welche unter andern griinen Baiimen eine artige Abwechselung giebt. d. * Fagus americana latifolia. The broad leaved american Beech Tree. Man erhalt den Saamen davon aus America unter den Namen von Beech -nuts ; sie unterscheidet sich wenig von der gemeiner Buche ; die Frucht ist kleiner und weniger stachlicht. LXXIL II. Fagus Castanea. Castanien . . . 1. " Fagus Castanea . . . b. Castanea foliis ex aureo eleganter variegata. 2. Fagus Castanea pumila. . . . The Chinquapin — . . . (&c.).