Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/361

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THE MOSSES OP THE UPPER DOVEY. 333 common. — B. pallens Swartz. Stones by streams, very abundant. — B. pseudo-triguetrum Hedw. Subalpine bogs and wet rocks, very abun- dant. — B.Jiliforme Dicks. Wet places on the mountains, frequent. Milium affine Bland. Frequent. — M. undulatum Hedw. Shady woods ; fruit abundant in a damp shady bank ; capsules 10-26 in one perichastium. — M. rostratum Schrad. Shady banks, not un- common. — M. hormim L. Frequent throughout the district. — M. stellare Hedw. On Bala limestone, rather rare. — M. punctatum Hedw. Wet rocks, very abundant. Aulacomnium androgymim L. Gravelly bank, rather rare. — A. palustre L. Moorland bogs, abundant; fruit plentiful. A form found bearing a cluster of leaf-like gemmae in bogs with the type. Tetrajjhis pellucida L. Rotten stumps of trees, not uncommon. Tetradontium Brownianum Dicks. Damp gritstone rock, abundant. Oligotrichum hercynicum Ehrh. Sandy ground, frequent in a barren state. Atrichum undulatum L. Very abundant. Pogonatum aloides Hedw. Clay banks, very frequent. — Var. minus Bry. Eur. On dry rocks, rare. — P. urnigerum L. On banks in subalpine districts, common. — P. alpinum L. Stony ground, abundant. Polytrichum formosum Hedw. Woods, rather rare. — P. piliferum Schreb. Dry banks and heaths, very abundant. — P. strictiim Banks. Abundant. — P. commune L. Very common. Diphyscium folio sum L. Turfy places and wet rocks, abundant. Buxbaumia aphylla L. Found once in a dingle ; it has dis- appeared from the locality. Fissidens hryoides Hedw. Frequent. — F. pusillus Wils. Wet rocks. — F. osmundoides Hedw. Bogs, frequent. — F. decipiens De Not. — F. adiantoides Hedw. — F. taxij'olius L. Clay banks, frequent. Fontinalis antipyretica L. In the streams, abundant. — F. squamosa L. Not so common. Hedwigia ciliata Dicks. Alpine rocks, rather rare. Antitrichia curtipendula L. Walls and trees, not frequent. Neckera pumila Hedw. — N. crispa L. Trees and rocks, ^not un- common. — N. complanata L. Trees, not common. Pterygophyllum lucens L. Moist banks, abundant. Ueterodadium heteropterum Bruch. Wet rocks, abundant. Thuidium tamariscinum Hedw. Frequent. Thamnium alopecurum L. Very plentiful on wet rocks, but the fruit is rarely produced. Climacium dendroides L. Near the spray of a waterfall. Isothecium myurum Poll. On trees, abundant. Homalothecium sericeum L. Frequent. Camptothecium lutescens Huds. Kather rare. Brachythecium glareosum B. & S. — B. albicans Neck. — B. velu- tinum L. Roots of trees, not common. — B. rutabulum L. Common throughout the district. — B. rivulare B. & S. Streams and boulders in Dovey, abundant. — B, populeum Hedw. Trees and banks, fre- quent. — B. plumosum Swartz. Rocks in streams, very abundant.