Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/23

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SOME NEW BRITISH MARINE ALG^E. 7 list therefore deals only with the recent additions to the Myxophycece and FloridecB. I am greatly indebted to M. Gomont, of Paris, for assistance with the Mijxophijcea, and owe the identification of the first six species recorded below to his kindness. Myxophyce^. Lynghya Agardhii Gomont, Monogr. des Oscillariees, p. 144, Calothrix Agardhii Crn. Liste des Alg. Mar. Finist. in Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, vii. p. 372. Margate, on Polysiphonia nigrescens, October, 1894, W. Boyd, Esq. Plymouth, Dec. 1895, G. Brebner. In the autumn of 1894 my friend Mr. W. Boyd was good enough to send me, in a fresh state, a quantity of sea- weed gathered at random on the shore at Margate, amongst which I was fortunate enough to find this interesting Lijnghya. L. Meneghiniana Gom. in Morot, Journal de Botanique, iv. p. 354, 1890. Firth of Forth, opposite Caroline Park, August, 1887. This and the above-mentioned L. Agardhii are the only British repre- sentatives of the subgenus Leibleinia, composed of epiphytic species, in which the filaments are attached by the middle, both ends being erect. L. gracilis must, for the present at any rate, be deleted from the List of British Algae, for M. Gomont informs me that L. gracilis of Holmes's Algm Britannicm Rariores Exsiccate, No. 165 (vide Grevillea, xxii. p. 51), is but a form of Oscillatoria CorallincB Gom. The same fate must befall L. confervoides, the plant so called in Grevillea, I.e., being in M. Gomont's opinion a form of L. seiniplena. L. Fdvidariarum Gom. Monogr. des Oscill. p. 168. Studland and Swanage, Sept. 1894. In the sheaths of Microcoleus chthono- plastes, rare, E.A.B. Phormidium tenue Gom. Monogr. des Oscill. p. 189. Muddy estuary of the Tweed, Oct. 1883, E.A.B. P. ambiguum Gom. /. c. p. 198. In deep rock pools near high- water mark, Farland Point, Cumbrae, August, 1891, E. A. B. P. uncinatum Gom. in Morot, Journal de Botanique, iv. p. 355, 1890. Muddy estuary of the Tweed, July, 1884. Ballachulish, July, 1885, Dr. Otto Nordstedt (vide Grevillea, xxii. p. 52). I am uncertain whether Dr. Nordstedt's specimens were gathered in brackish or fresh water; there is, however, no doubt about my Berwick specimens. P. corium Gom. in Morot, Journ. de Bot. iv. p. 355. Burnham, May, 1894, T. H. Buff ham. In crevices of rocks near high- water mark. Swanage, Sept. 1894, £^. ^. 5. P. persicinum Gom. Monogr. p. 184. Lyngbya persicina Eeinke, Algenfiora der West. Ostsee, p. 91. On old Solen shells dredged from 6-8 fathoms, Cumbrae, August, 1891, E.A.B. Plymouth, Oct. 1895, G. Brebner. Floride-e. Erythrotrichia Boryana Berthold, Bangiaceen, p. 25. East* bourne, June, 1889, E.A.B. My specimens of this species are narrower than in the typical form, usually being from 18 to 120 ^m