Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/188

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166 THE DRAO^NAS OF THE MALAY PENINSULA. winged, attaining a length of 8 in. ; the lamina 1 ft. long and 8 in. across, dark green, lanceolate-acuminate. The raceme very short and dense, 2 in. long, on a peduncle of the same length. Bracts at the base numerous. Flowers numerous, densely crowded, greenish white, in threes. Bract very small, ovate. Pedicels i in. long. Perianth short, ^ in. long, split for half its length, the tube cam- panulate, the laciniaB oblong, blunt, recurved. Stamens : filaments as long as the perianth-lobes, thick at the base, tapering upwards, and inserted in the mouth of the tube by a very short slender portion ; anther-bases divergent. Ovary oblong, yellow. Style filiform. Stigma capitate. Johore, Ulu Batu Pahat (Lake S Kelsall). Described from a plant cultivated in the Botanic Gardens, Singapore. This plant has the habit of a young Susum, the leaves being recurved, and forming a fairly large tuft. The long narrow petioles and lanceolate blades, the short thick raceme, and remarkably short flowers, distinguish it from all others I have seen here. At the base of the raceme one leaf is shortly petioled and never fully developed, but convolute round it, after the manner of a spathe. I have seen this also in specimens of D. congesta Ridl. D. singapurensis, sp. n. Stem about 1 ft. tall, I iu. thick, woody. Leaves elliptic or lanceolate, acute or subacute ; petiole deeply grooved, slightly winged, 2 in. long or less ; lamina 7 in. long, 2^ in. wide, dull deep green. Eaceme short, about 2 in. long Flowers white, crowded above, in threes. Bracts small, ovate- acute. Pedicels ^ in. long. Perianth f in. long, nearly cylindric ; lacinise lorate, blunt, longer than the tube. Stamens shorter ; filaments filiform. Anthers small, conic. Style longer than stamens. Stigma capitate. Drupe small, globose, red. Singapore, in dense woods, Bukit Timak, and Chan Chu Kang (no. 6235). Johore, base of Gunong Panti. A very low-growing species with broad leaves rather longer and distinctly petioled, and a very short raceme. The flowers are larger than those of the preceding, but shorter than those of D. terniflora Roxb. The terminal developed leaf has usually a much shorter and broader petiole. D. siamica, sp. n. A dwarf plant about 1 ft. tall, with a slender angled stem | in. through. Leaves oblong or elliptic, or lanceolate- acuminate, acute, about eleven on a plant, petiole about 1 in. long ; blade 6 in. long by 2 in. across or smaller, light green, with circular paler blotches. Raceme 4 or 5 in. long, with rather crowded flowers, five or six in a fascicle. Bracts lanceolate-acuminate. Flowers in. long, cylindric, on short slender pedicels less than ^ in. in length, greenish white. Stamens very slender. Anthers small, oblong. Style much stouter than the stamens, with a capitate stigma. Siam, at Punga {Curtis^ 2945). Before flowering this looks like a young plant of D. aurantiaca Wall., but it never attains the size of that species, and the in- florescence is quite different, It is a pretty cultural plant.