Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/100

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80 THE LATE LORD DE TABLEY. says Sir Grant Duff, *' he often hardly saw his clearest friends for long periods of time. I remember that in the later seventies it used to be said : — * Warren has two intimate friends. The first he has not seen for five years, the second for six.' It was not quite true ; but it had a certain basis in fact." Never very strong, he was the victim of more than one attack of influenza, and from the last of these, in the winter of 1894-5, he never thoroughly recovered. He went to Ryde in the autumn of last year, and had planned to spend the winter with his sister. Lady Leighton, at Bournemouth. But this intention was never carried out : he died at the former place on Nov. 22nd, and was buried at Lower Peover, Cheshire. " Earth from the Holy Land was sprinkled over him, and the grave was filled up with clods from a certain covert where he had loved to botanize."* James Britten. List of Botanical Papers. •♦ Some account of Cheshire Rubi." Journ. Bot. 1869, 353-360 «* On the ' Species' question as regards Rubus." Journ. Bot. 1870, 1-4. " Callitriche autumnalis in Cheshire." lb. 88. '• On the Dumetorum Group of Rubi in Britain." lb. 149- 154, 169-176. ♦' Lepigonum neglectum as an inland plant." lb. 252.

  • ' A Note for the ' Middlesex Flora.' " lb. 255.
    • Notes on the * Compendium of the Cybele Britannica.' "

Journ. Bot. 1871, 6-9. '* Stratiotes abides in Central Cheshire." lb. 215. " The Flora of Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens," lb. 227-238.

    • The Flora of Liverpool " (Review : signed with initials).

Journ. Bot. 1872, 314-316. " Middlesex Plants." Journ. Bot. 1873, 208. " Rumex sylvestris." lb. 340.

    • Notes on a projected Cheshire Flora." (Privately printed,

1873). " New station for Wolffia arrhiza." Journ. Bot. 1874, 306. " Callitriche obtusangula in West Sussex." lb. 307. " On Triticum pungens." lb. 357-363. '* Rumex maximus." Journ. 1875, 6, 7. " On some doubtful species in the Cheshire Flora." lb. 163- 167. "■ London Botany." lb. 178, 276. " The Growth of the two Sea Couch-Grasses." lb. 295.

    • Kensington Gardens Plants." lb. 336.

'* Atriplex rosea in Sussex." lb. 376. "Luzula campestris in Kensington Gardens." Journ. Bot. 1877, 135. /* Notes on some Sussex plants." lb. 193-199.

  • Contemporary Review Jan. 1896, p. 87.