Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/477

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Babu Gangadhar Acherjee, Assistant Secretary.

"That the nature and object of this Institution may be better understood, the Committee of Management desire to submit for the information of the public the following Explanatory Statement:—

"It has been found by experience that the great majority of pupils brought up in elementary schools are not well-grounded in their knowledge of the English language and literature. Generally speaking, they are hurriedly passed through the Entrance Course, and are ushered into the world without the acquisition of such knowledge as is calculated to be of real service to them in after-life, or if they enter higher institutions for the further prosecution of their studies they are often disappointed of success, because of the imperfect training they had received in their earlier education.

"To remedy this evil is the earnest desire of the Committee of Management.

"Their system of tuition will aim to avoid overburdening memory, while they will endeavour to impart healthy exercise to all the intellectual faculties.

"Particular attention will be directed to the moral training of the pupils.

"To the pupils of the junior classes oral lessons will be given on useful subjects as heretofore. But