Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/426

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"Versailles—France. *** 2nd June 1864.

"My dear Sir,

"You will be startled, I am sure, grieved to learn, that I am at this moment the wreck of the strong and hearty man who bade you adieu two years ago with a bounding heart, and that this calamity has been brought upon me by the cruel and inexplicable conduct of men, one of whom at least I felt strongly persuaded, was my friend and well-wisher. * * *

"I am going to a French jail, and my poor wife and children must seek shelter in a charitable institution though I have fairly 4,000 Rupees due to me in India.

"You are the only friend who can rescue me from the painful position to which I have been brought, and in this you must go to work with that grand energy which is the companion of your genius and manliness of heart. Not a day is to be lost.

"Shall I apologise for the trouble I am giving you? I do not think so; for I know you well enough to believe with all my heart that you would not allow a friend and countryman to perish miserably.

"Kindly address in France, as above, for there is no earthly chance of my leaving this country