Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/326

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by the practice among Hindoos of marrying their sons and daughters at an early age, and in many cases in their very infancy, so that female children not unfrequently become widows before they can speak or walk.

"4. That in the opinion and firm belief of your petitioners, this custom is not in accordance with the Shasters, or with a true interpretation of Hindoo Law.

"5. That your petitioners and many other Hindoos, have no objection of conscience to the marriage of widows, and are prepared to disregard all objections to such marriages, founded on social habit or on any scruple resulting from an erroneous interpretations of religion.

"6. That your petitioners are advised that by the Hindoo Law, as at present administered and interpreted in the Courts of Her Majesty and the East India Company, such marriages are illegal, and the issue thereof would be deemed illegitimate.

"7. That Hindoos, who entertain no objections of conscience to such marriages, and who are prepared to contract them notwithstanding social and religious prejudices are by the aforesaid interpretation of Hindoo Law prevented therefrom.

"8. That, In the humble opinion of your petitioners, it is the duty of the Legislature to remove all legal obstacles to the escape from a social evil of such magnitude which, though sanctioned by custom, is felt by many Hindoos to be a most injurious grievance, and to be contrary to a true interpretation of Hindoo Law.

"9. That the removal of the legal obstacles to the marriage of widows, would be in accordance with the wishes and feelings of a considerable section of pious and orthodox Hindoos, and would in no wise affect the interests, though it might shock the prejudices, of those who conscientiously believe that the prohibition of the marriage of