Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/261

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On another occasion, it so happened that the boys of the vernacular department of the Calcutta Medical College (since converted into Campbell Medical School) were addressed by the then Principal of the College with some sweet notorious epithets of Macaulay. They were deeply grieved at the unmannerly conduct of the Principal, and banded together against him. They met in a field and formed a resolution, that until the Principal apologised for his impolite behaviour, they should not attend school. They were thus absent from the College for several months together. A great number of these boys were scholarship-holders, and depended solely on their stipends for their maintenance. They were, as a matter of consequence, put to great embarrassments. At last, they went in a band to Vidyasagar, and craved his assistance in the matter. He had already heard everything. He at first tried to induce them by persuasion to rejoin their school, but without success. Their spokesman, Bijay Krishna Gosvami, who was one of their number, said with great enthusiasm, that the boys were more eager for their self-respect than to seek for their convenience. Vidyasagar then yielded to their just request. He brought their prayer to the notice of the Lieutenant Governor, who directed the Principal to send for the boys and settle the matter amicably. Henceforth Vidyasagar had a great fond regard for the spirited Bijay Krishna Gosvami.