Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/246

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the higher class simply if he has merely completed the prescribed time. Therefore I beg leave to propose that promotions take place on the Principle of merit, not years. Only with this limitation that no one will be allowed to remain in the College beyond the period prescribed by the scholarship rules. I am persuaded that under this arrangement, all students above mediocrity will finish their Collegiate course of study in less than the time now prescribed.


The laxity of general discipline in the Institution as present is notorious. It is highly desirable that strict and steady attention should be paid to regularity of attendance, to put a stop to students constantly leaving their classes on trivial pretences and to prevent needless noise, talking and general confusion. There is no inherent cause whatever why the discipline in this College should not be equal to that which obtains in any English Institution. The same methods require only to be enacted and enforced.

In conclusion, I beg leave to observe that the changes now proposed by me in the system of the College are the results of a long and anxious consideration in the subject. They are extensive, but I have endeavoured to select only those which are absolutely necessary for the efficiency of the Institution and which are quite practicable. Should the Council be pleased to adopt these suggestions 1 have sanguine hopes that the happy and steady effect, if it be under strict supervision, will be that the College will become a seat of pure and profound Sanscrit learning and at the same time a Nursery of improved Vernacular Literature, and of Teachers throughly qualified to dissinuate that Literature amongst the masses of their Fellow Countrymen.

Sanskrit College   I have &c
Sd. Isvar Chandra Shurma
Professor of Sahitya in the
Sanskrit College.
The 16th December