Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/70

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There is no work treating of the indigenous drugs of Assam, Orissa, or of Behar (excepting Irvine's short account of the Materia Medica of Patna, published in 1848).. Notices of some of the medicinal plants and indigenous drugs of Assam and Orissa are to be found in the Gazetteer volumes of those provinces.

There have been a host of medical men to work out the medicinal plants and indigenous drugs of Madras. In the early days of the East India Company, Madras, the so-called benighted Presidency of to-day, attracted more scientific and medical men than any other part of India. It was on the Madras side that most of the illustrated works on Indian Botany were prepared. Rheede's "Hortus Malabarica," Roxburgh's "Coromandel Plants," Wight's "Icones," Beddome's " Flora Sylvatica" were all prepared by men who labored in that Presidency. Ainslie's "Materia Medica of Hindustan" published in 1813, and " Materia Indica" published in 1826, are still works of reference on the indigenous drugs of Madras. Waring was another authority on the Madras indigenous drugs. His labors have been embodied in the Pharmacopoeia of India.

Bidie's "Paris Exhibition Catalogue of Raw Products of Southern India" is a useful publication on the indigenous drugs of Madras. In the Madras Quarterly and Monthly Journal of Medical Science, there are several papers from his pen on the subject of indigenous drugs.

Moodeen Sheriff will always occupy a prominent place amongst the workers on the subject of indigenous drugs. His Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia of India established his reputation as a pharmaceutist of no mean order. His posthumous work on the " Materia Medica of Madras," has brought our information on some of the indigenous drugs of that Presidency up to date. It is unfortunate, however, that this work did not receive the last finishing touch of the author.

The indigenous drugs of Bombay, though neglected for a long time, have recently received proper attention. Dalzell and Gibson's "Bombay Flora," published in 1861, paved the way to the better study of the subject. Bird wood's " Vegetable