Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/514

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peduncle rather longer than the petiole. Calyx ⅜-½in. ; teeth lanceolate, sub-equal, twice the tube. Corolla ¾in., red, bluish or white. Pod 1 ½in. long, oblong, winged on the back, glabrous, 4-5-seeded.

Uses. — The expressed oil of the seed is powerful and a dangerous cathartic (O'Shaughnessy).

It has long been known to produce toxic symptoms when used for a prolonged period. This condition, known as lathyrismus, has been investigated by Dr B. Suchard. The chief effect produced is upon the muscles of the lower extremities, especially on those below the knee. In horses also paralysis of the hinder extremities takes place, and death has followed from bilateral paralysis of the laryngeal recurrent nerves and consequent asphyxia. The laryngeal affection has not, however, been observed in the human subject (Lancet, June 30th, 1888, p. 6312).

380. Glycine Soja, Sieb and Zucc, h.f.b.i., ii. 184.

Syn. : — Dolichos Soja, Linn., Roxb. 563.

Vern. : — Gari-kulay (B.); Bhat, bhatwan (H.) ; Hendedisom horec (black-seeded), puddisomhorec (white-seeded variety) (Santal) ; Tzu-dza (Naga) ; Seta, kala-botmas (Parbat) ; Musa, gya (Newar) ; Khajuwa (Eastern Terai '. ; Bhut (Kumaon).

Eng. — The Soya Bean.

Habitat. — Tropical Himalayas, from Kumaon to Sikkim Khasia and the Naga hills.

An annual, stout, suberect, climbing upwards, stem densely clothed with fine ferruginous hairs. Leaves long-petioled. Leaf- lets 3 membranous, ovate, acute, rarely obtuse, 2-4 inches long. Racemes few-flowered, congested, sessile. Calyx ¼ in, densely hairy. Calyx-teeth long, setaceous. Corolla reddish, little exserted. Pods usually only 2-3, developed in the axil of each leaf, linear-oblong, recurved, densely pubescent, 1 ½-2 in by ½-⅜ in., 3-4 seeded, subtorulose.

Use. — A decoction of the root is said to possess astringent properties (Watt).