Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/501

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Habitat : — West Himalayas, Temperate Zone, Simla, Kumaon and Garwhal.

Low shrubs, with basifixed hairs. Main stems not produced ; branchlets, with densely crowded nodes. Tufts densely congested, armed with the very crowded leaf-rachises which are l½-3in. long Stipules ¼in., lanceolate, adnate only at the very base ; leaflets 21-31 mostly crowded, obovate oblong, 1/12-1/6in. long ; thick in texture, dull green, clothed with silky hairs. Pedicels 1/12-⅛in; bracts linear, exceeding the pedicels. Flowers 1-2 together in leaf axils, usually not peduncled. Calyx gibbous, ⅜in., thinly silky ; teeth linear setaceous, half as long as the tube. Corolla ¾in , yellow ; standard exceeding wings and keel ; stigma naked. Pods sessile, oblong, turgid, bilocular, 12-14-seeded, clothed with fine grey silky hairs.

Use : — The seeds are given for colic, and also for leprosy (Stewart).

366. Tavernierea nummularia, D.C., H. F. B. I, II. 140.

Vern. : — Jetimad (Sindhi, Bombay.).

Habitat :— Plains of Sind and the Punjab ; Deccan.

A copiously-branched under-shrub, l-2ft. high, with slender, finely canescent, terete branches. Leaves shortly petioled, usually 3-foliate. Leaflets very variable in size, ¼-1in. long, obovate-oblong or nearly round, thick, pale green, thinly can-escent beneath, the side ones not opposite. Stipules free, minute, lanceolate, scariose. Racemes few or many-flowered, usually exceeding the leaves. Calyx ⅛-1/6in., thinly silky. Corolla red, glabrous, ⅜-½in. Joints of pod 1-4, roundish.

Use :— The leaves of this plant are said to be useful in the form of a poultice, as an application to sloughing ulcers to keep them clean (Murray 123).

367. Alhagi maurorum, Desv. H.F.B.I., II. 145.

Syn. :— A mannifera, Desv, Hedysarum Alhagi Linn., Roxb. 574.