Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/488

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Use :— Its stem and leaves appear to be officinal under the above name (Stewart). Pods used as a vegetable among the Hindus.

350. Indigofera linifolia, Retz., h.f.b.l, ii. 92, Roxb. 582.

Vern. :— Torki (H.) ; Bhângra (B.) ; Taudikhode-baha (Santal) ; Burburra, pândharipâle, bhangra, torki (Bomb.).

Habitat : — From the Himalayas throughout India.

An annual ; the whole plant persistently silvery, hoary. Stems slender, copiously branched, both at base and upward, ½-1ft. Leaves simple, sub-sessile, ½-1in. long, typically linear, acute, but varying to obovate, obtuse, with a mucro. Stipules minute, setaceous. Flowers 6-12 ; in copious, dense, sub-sessile Racemes. Calyx 1/12 in., silvery ; teeth long, linear-setaceous. Corolla bright red, 2-3-times the Calyx. Pod hard, mucronate silvery under, 1/12 in. thick.

Use :— It is given medicinally in febrile eruptions (Honnigberger).

The Santals use the plant in amenorrhœa along with Euphorbia thymifolia (Revd. A. Campbell).

351. I. glandulosa, Willd. h.f.b.i, ii., 94, Roxb. 583.

Vern. : — Vekhariyo (Guj.) ; Barbed (Sholapur) ; Gavacha matmaudi (Bomb.) ; Vekhariyo, baragadam, barapatalu, boomidapu, barapatam (Tel.).

Habitat : — Plains of the Western Peninsula and Bundelkhand.

An annual, with elongated, slender branches, clothed when young with spreading hairs not at all argenteo-canescent. Leaves distinctly petioled, always 3-foliate. Stipules setaceous, minute ; petiole nearly as long as the leaflets. Leaflets oblanceolate, membranous, ½-1 in. long, green above ; hairs adpressed, obscure, pale glaucous, with copious distinct black dots below. Heads ¼-⅜in. long, sessile. Corolla 3-4 times the Calyx. Caylx 1/12in., pubescent ; teeth long, setaceous. Pod brown, finely