Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/484

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344. C. medicaginea, Lamh. h.f.b.i., II. 81.

Syn. : — C. procurnbens, Roxb, 551.

Vern. :— Gulâbi (Pb.).

Habitat : — Tropical regions of the West Himalayas and India.

A diffuse, perennial, herbaceous plant, with slender, much- branched stems, diffuse, ½-1ft. long, thinly silky upwards. Stipules setaceous, very minute, deciduous. Leaves trifoliate. Leaflets ¼-½in. long, retuse, emarginate, glabrous above, obscurely silky below. Petioles shorter than the oblanceolate leaflets. Racemes copious, 2-6-flowered, terminal and leaf- opposed. Peduncles exceeding the leaves ; bracts minute, linear. Coralla twice the calyx. Calyx thinly silky, campanulate, ⅛in. deep ; teeth linear, exceeding the tube. Corolla yellow. Pod. ⅛ in. long, glabrescent, obliquely subglobose, small, sessile, 2-seeded.

Use : — This plant is officinal in the Punjab.

345. Trigonella occulta, Delile. h.f.b.i., ii 87.

Habitat :— Sind, the Punjab and N.-W. Provinces.

An annual herb, diffuse, densely cæspitose, glabrous or sub-glabrous, with slender stems, a few inches long. Leaves pinnately 3-foliate, toothed. Stipules deeply laciniate. Petioles exceeding the sharply-toothed, minute, oblanceolate cuneate leaflets. Flowers 2-4 together, in copious, sessile, axillary clusters. Calyx ⅛in., campanulate, teeth linear-setaceous. Corolla slightly exserted' ; petals free from the staminal-tube. Pod elliptical, short, turgid, scarcely exserted, glabrous, usually 2-seeded.

Use : — The seeds are used in dysenteric affections (Murray).

346. T. Fœnum-grœcum, Linn, h.f.b.i,, ii. 87, Roxb; 588

Sans. :— Methi.

Arab. : — Hulbah.

Pers. : — Shamlit.