Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/450

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Branchlets, petioles, underside of leaves and inflorescence clothed with short, soft brownish grey pubescence (Brandis). Leaves not aromatic, imparipinnate, over a foot long, turning red before falling ; common petiole usually winged. Leaflets 4-6 pair, opposite, sessile 2-4 by l-2in., elliptic, acuminate, deeply crenate or dentate, glabrous above, soft tomentose beneath ; lateral nerves 10-15 pair, parallel ; base rounded, some- what oblique. Panicles terminal, 6-8in. long, conical, dense- flowered. Flowers 1/10in. diam., pale green. Sepals ovate; petals oblong, ciliate, much exceeding the sepals. Wood soft, white, with dark streaks. Fruit a drupe, tomentose, eaten by the hill people (Kanjilal).

Outer Himalya Ranges, Assam, Khasi Shan and Naga Hills. Jaunsar and Tehri-Garhwal, 3-7000ft. Dhârâgad and Tons Valleys. Simla, the glen, Mahasu.

Galls of various shapes on branches, used for ink (Collett). Flowers pale yellow green (Brandis).

Use : — The fruit is given in colic (Stewart.)

322. R. Wallichii, Hook f. h.f.b.l, ii. 11.

Vern. : — Kambal, godúmbal, arkhar (Pb.) ; Akoria, Kaunui, bhaliún (N. W. P.) ; Bhálaio, chosi (Nepal).

Habitat : — Temperate Himalaya, from Garwhal to Nepal.

A small or moderate-sized, deciduous tree, attaining 50ft. Bark smooth, grey; resin-canals in bark, filled with white milk which turns black and raises blisters in skin. Sap wood white, soft. Heart wood reddish brown, yellow when dry (Brandis). Branchlets, petioles, underside of leaflets and panicles densely clothed with yellowish brown tomentum. Leaves imparipinnate, approximate, near the ends of branches, not aromatic, petiole terete. Leaflets 3-5 pair, quite entire, coriaceous, elliptic or oblong acuminate, shortly petiolulate, base rounded, upper surface pubescent or glabrous ; 4-7in. long, 2-3in. broad. Secondary nerves 18-25 pair ; parallel. Panicles axillary, much shorter than the leaves ; branches short, stout. Flowers sub-sessile, 1/10in, diam., greenish white. Petals longer than sepals, with dark veins, concave ; sepals broadly ovate-obtuse. Filaments short, anthers large. Disk