Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/432

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Parts used : — The root and leaves.

Use : — According to Rheede, a decoction of the root is given in colic, and it is cooling and relieves thirst.

In Goa, the root, called ratanhia by the Portuguese, is much used in diarrhœa and chronic dysentery. The roasted leaves are applied to the head in vertigo. The juice of the young leaves is a digestive. In Reunion, the root is called Bois de Surreau, and is said to be used as a sudorific (DYMOCK).

308. L. robusta, Roxb. h.f.b.l, i. 667, Roxb. 220.

Vern : — Gino (Goa) ; Haramada, hatkan (Santal) ; Gabui (Nepal) ; Pantom (Lepcha).

Habitat : -Sikkim Himalaya and Khasia Mts., Western Peninsula and the Northern Circars. Kolaba, Mîrya Hill, Ratnagiri.

A large, robust shrub, 5-6 ft. Stems stout, the older parts glabrous, the young covered with harsh, coarse, short pubescence. Leaves 2-3-pinnate, pubescent, 1-3 ft. long, often broader leaflets 6-12 by 2½-6 in. ovate or ovate-lanceolate, cuspidate, serrate, glabrous above, pubescent on the veins beneath. Bracts large, persistent, ½-1 in. lanceolate. Flowers larger than in the other species. Cymes compact. Flowers larger than in the other species. Anthers connate. Fruit black, succulent, the size of a small cherry.

Uses : — In Chutia Nagpur, the soft and fleshy root is applied externally as an anodyne, and is also given to cattle for diarrhœa (Revd. A. Campbell).

309. L. hirta, Roxb. h.f.b.l, i. 668. Roxb. 220.

Syn : — Leea arguata, Linn.

Sans. : — Kâkajanghâ.

Habitat :— Sikkim Himalaya, ascending too 2,000 ft., Assam, Vilhasi hills Silhet, the Khasia Mts., Sundarban, East Bengal,