Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/420

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shomfol reteon, gogsa, sindool, mûtûi, mor, chakra, romúsk, thalot, chetain (Pb.) ; Wurak (Pushtu).

Habitat :— Trans-Indus Himalaya 2,400-7,000 ft., from the Indus eastward ; Manipur, Shan Hills, Upper Burma, 4,000 ft.

A spinescent large shrub, or small tree; heart-wood brown, hard, possessing wavy radial belts ; branches often spinescent, young shoots pubescent. Leaves membranous, almost opposite, glabrous, frequently fascicled or arrested branchlets, lanceolate, or obovate-lanceolate, blade 1-4 in., petiole ¼- ⅓in. long. Flowers greenish, on slender pedicels, in axillary clusters ; 4-merous ; petals, minute, linear, spathulate. Fruit obovate, orbicular, 1/5 in. long. Seed grooved, groove narrow, nearly closed. Closely allied to the European R. Catharticus (Lowson)

Part used : — The fruit.

Use: — The fruit which is bitter, even when ripe, has emetic and purgative properties, and is given (Trans-Indus) in affections of the spleen, (WATT.)

Closely allied to the European R. Catharticus for which it may be used as a substitute in India. (B. D. B.)

292. R. Wightii, W. and A., h.f.b.i, i. 639.

Vern : — Rakta-rohida, Rakt zorar (Bom.).

Habitat : — Western Peninsula, and from the highest hills of the Concan southwards to the Nilghiris. There is a fine tree in Thana Judge's garden. Common in Upper Montane Zone, Ceylon.

Brandis says : " It is found on the Western Ghats, from Mahabaleshwar southwards ; Nilgiris, Palm Hills.

A large shrub, young parts puberulous. Leaves 2-3½in., ovate-oval or ovate, rounded at base, acuminate, obtuse, apiculate, finely glandular-serrate, glabrous on both sides. Petiole ½ in.; Stipules very early caducous. Flowers yellowish green, on glabrous pedicels, shorter than the petiole, 1-5 in. axillary clusters. Calyx glabrous ; segments 5, triangular. Petals 5, very small, spathulate. Stamens 5 ; ovary 3 (or 4J-celled ; Styles 3-(or 4), connate half way up. Berry ¼ in. globose, supported on flat persistent Calyx-tube, tipped with persistent styles, smooth, reddish purple.