Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/417

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287. Z. glabrata, Heyne, h.f.b.l, i. 633.

Syn.: — Z. trinervia, Roxb, not Poir. Roxb. 204.

Sans. : — Vata-dalla.

Vern. :— Carookoova Kurka tura karukatá, karkattam (Tam.) ; Kakoopala (Tel.).

Habitat : — Eastern Bengal and Bhotan ; Western Peninsula and the Nilghiri Mts.

A small, unarmed tree, youngest shoots and inflorescence pubescent. Leaves glabrous, obtusely minutely-serrate. Basal nerves prominent, continued to the apex. Secondary nerves faint ; veins minutely reticulate ; blade 1-3 by ⅔ by 1½in., elliptic, glabrous on both sides, dark green. Petiole ¼in. long. Cymes nearly sessile or ½in. long. Flowers slightly puberulous, yellowish, or greenish-yellow, ¼in diam. Petals obtriangular, with convolute margins. Disk faintly 10-lobed, not pitted or grooved, glabrous. Anthers-cells parallel, not diverging at base. Ovary 2-celled ; styles 2, united to the middle. Drupe globose, ½-¾in. long, often apiculate.

Part used : — The leaves.

Use:— A decoction of the leaves is given to purify the blood in cases of cachexia, and as an alterative in old venereal affections (AINSLIE.)

288. Z. nummularia, W. & A., h.f.b.l, i. 633.

Syn. : — Z. microphylla, Roxb. 206.

Sans : — Bhu-hrdari-bâlakapriyâ, Aja-priyâ, Bhu-kamtaka, Sukshma-phalâ.

Vern. : — Jhárberi (Pb.) ; Nundo-jangro (Sind) ; Malla, bêr, jhari, kanta (U. P.); Parpalli (Kan.) Gangar (Guz).

Vern.: — J. Indraji (Porebuncler) Paleran, (Guj.) Adbâu bordi, Khetrâû Bordi, Jhardân Bor. Chanyâ Bor., (Mârâthi) Gañgar, Juñgar Jungle bor, (Hindi) Jharberi, Jharber, Jhadia-ber.

Habitat : — The Punjab ascending to 3,000ft. Gujerat, and the Western Peninsula, from the Dekkan and the Concan southward, Persia.

A profusely-armed shrub, with widely divaricating flexuous