Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/412

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284. Ventilago madraspatana, Gaertn. H. f. b. I., i. 631.

Sans. : — Raktavalli.

Vern. : — Pitti (H.) ; Raktapita (B.) ; Chorgu (Hyderabad) ; Kroti pitti (C. P.) ; Lokandi, kanwail (Bomb.) ; Ragatarohado (Guz.) ; Luri-chakka (Dec.) ; Pappili-chakka, suralpattai, lurala chaki, surate cheka, papli, vembadain, veinpadon (Triman) (Tam.) ; Surabi ; papri Kali-bili (Dun) ; Bonga-Sarjom (Kol.) petli tige, lurala tige, arra chiratali (Tel) ; Paipli-chakka, papli, popli (Kan.) ; yaccaduvel (Sinhalese).

Habitat : — Western Peninsula, from the Concan southward. Tenasserim. Throughout the plains of India. Forests of Burma and Ceylon, in hot dry places.

A large, much-branched, woody climber or climbing shrub. Bark grey white. Vertical cracks, exposing the inner surface which has a vermilion colour. Wood yellow, porous, soft ; branchlets elongated, slender, younger parts, branchlets, petioles and young leaves pubescent.

A very conspicuous forest climber, climbing over the tallest trees and hanging its branches down in festoons (Gamble). Tendrils woody. Leaves 1½-5in. (usually about 2½), ovate, ovate- lanceolate, obtuse or rounded at base, acuminate, obtuse or rarely acute, shallowly crenate-serrate or entire, glabrous and shining ; lateral veins 6-10 in each side, fine but conspicuous, oblique, connected by very fine transverse reticulation. Petiole, ⅛-¼in., stipules very small, lanceolate, pubescent. Flowers pale green, ⅓ in., numerous, on short pubescent pedicels, arranged in clusters on the branches of large spreading and drooping, pubescent, elongated, terminal panicles. Calyx pubescent, lobes erect, very acute. Petals shorter than calyx, 2-lobed. Stamens as long as petals. Styles short. Nut small, globular, supported on persistent calyx. Wing 1-1½ in. linear oblong, leathery, pubescent, slightly, bifid at apex.