Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/407

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Habitat : — Western Peninsula, Annamally Hills (S. India), Ceylon between 1,000-4,000 ft., rather rare.

Vern : — Trimen : Sinhalese, Kokun, Wana-potu.

A very large tree, much-branched. Bark rough, corky, grey, bright yellow within. Wood pale, yellowish brown, smooth, light, readily splitting. Young parts glabrous. Leaves 2½-4in., obovate, cuneate at base, rounded or retuse at apex, entire or faintly serrate, coriaceous, glabrous, paler beneath and there punctate with numerous, minute, glandular dots, each covered with a red scale. Petiole about ½in. Stipules very minute, triangular, persistent. Flowers dull, yellowish-brown, ½in., in axillary or extra-axillary panicles, much shorter than the leaves. Pedicels glabrous. Bracts minute. Calyx glabrous, lobes very shallow. Petals broadly ovate, or rounded, concave, thick-dotted, within stamens shorter than the petals Disk fleshy, dark green. Capsule nearly 4inches, oblong-ovoid, bluntly trigonous, valves thick, coriaceous, glabrous. Seed compressed, over 5in. long (with the wing) ; wing broadly oblong, straight on one side, oblong, veined, orange-yellow.

Use : — The inner yellow bark is employed medicinally. It is also made into a kind of snuff, which excites copious secretion, and is considered beneficial in headache (Watt).

281. Celastrus paniculatus, Willd. h. f. b. l, i. 617. Roxb. 209.

Syn. :— C multiflora, and C. nutans, Roxb.

Habitat: — Tropical and sub-tropical Himalaya, Punjab and throughout the hilly districts of India ; Burma, Ceylon.

Sans : — Jyotishmati. Kanguni.

Jyotishmati is also one of the Sanskrit names of Cardios- permum helicacabum.

Vern. : — Mâl-Kangni (H. and Bomb.); Mal-Kakni (Oudh, Kumaun) ; Kahundan rangul (C. P.) Kangoni, pigavi (Mar.) ; Ruglim (Lepcha; ; Valuluvai, atiparich-cham (Jam.) ; Mal- kanguni-vittulu (Tel.) ; Sankhû (Pb.) ; Kariganue (Kan.) Mal- kanguni-ka-jantar (Dec.)

J. Indraji : — ( Porebunder and Guj. ) Mâlakànkanâ ;