Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/399

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Burma, Vol. I. p. 226.) The C. Molluccensis, Lamk. has a smaller fruit than the one given in the plate in this work (K. R. K.).

Use : — The bark, in common with other parts of the tree, possesses extreme bitterness, conjoined with astringency ; it may probably prove a good astringent tonic. It is much employed by the Malays in cholera, colic, diarrhœa, and other abdominal affections. — Ph, Ind.

272. Soymida febrifuga, Adr. Juss., H. F. B. I., i., 567.

Syn. :— Swietenia febrifuga, Roxb. Fl. Ind. II 398.

Sans. : — Patranga. Rôhini.

Vern. : — Rohun rohunna rakat rohan (Hind.) ; Rohan rohina rohra (Beng.) ; Rakat rohen (Kol.) ; Ruhen (Santal.) ; Sohan, suam, mal (S. P.) ; Rohni bugut rori rohun (C. P ); Soimi (Goond.) ; Royta (Bhil.) ; Rohan, merwara, rohun, rohunna, roven, ruhin (Deccan) ; Rohan rohing (Bomb.) ; Rorna (Kathiawar) ; rohina (Guz.) ; Shem, wond wundmarum shemmaruin (Tam.); Sumi somida moun cheva moun (Tel.) ; Suámi simemara some (Kan.). J. Indraji : — (Porbunder) Rona ; (Guj.) Rohani ; (Marâthi) Rûhin, Potar ; (Hindi) Rohan.

Habitat : — Hilly districts of North- Western, Central and Southern India, extending southwards to Travancore.

A lofty, deciduous, glabrous tree. 'Bark ⅓ to ½in. thick, bluish grey or dark brown. Sapwood small, whitish; heart- wood extremely hard and close-grained, very dark, red-brown, very durable, with numerous fine concentric lines of lighter colour, often closely packed. Pores moderate sized, scanty. Medullary rays moderately broad, distinctly visible on a radial section as dark shining plates, making with the section of the black pores, a very pretty silver grain having a satiny lustre " (Gamble). Trunk tall, straight, symmetrical. Bark bitter. Leaves paripinnate, petioled, with a thickened base, leaflets opposite, rarely serrate, 3-6 pair, 2-4in. long. Secondary nerves