Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/396

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268. A. Cucullata Roxb., h. f. b. i;, i. 560.

Vern. :— Amur ; Latmi ; Natmi (B.).

Habitat : — Lower Bengal, in the Sunder bunds, and in Nipal.

A glabrous middle-sized, at times a large, evergreen tree, of slow growth, with smooth branches. Bark thin, grey. Wood hard, close-grained, but apt to split; heartwood red. Leaves 6-10in. Leaflets 2-4 pair, falcate, very oblique at base, 3-5in. long ; opposite or sub-opposite. Male panicles drooping, about as long as the leaves, with numerous diverging branches, sparingly lepidote. Female racemes few-flowered, supra-axillary. Petiolule ⅛-⅜in., or terminal one longer. Male flower fin., yellow. Bracts caducous, 2 at the base of the calyx. Calyx 3-lobed. Petals 3, anthers 6. Staminal-tube turbinate or sub-globose. Seeds covered with a fleshy, bright orange-coloured aril. Capsule globose, 2½in.diam. Ovary 3-celled ; cells 2-ovuled. 3-valved.

Use : — Leaves when bruised applied to reduce inflammation (Prain's Flora of the Sunderbuns, p. 292).

269. Walsura piscidia, Roxb, h. f. b. i., i. 564.

Vern.: — Walasura, wallursi (Bomb.); Walsura (Tam.); Chadda-vakku, walsurai, kanná-kampu (Tam.) in Ceylon ; Valá-rasi, walurasi (Tel.); (Sinhalese) Kiri-Kon, Mol-petta. ; ( Tamil ) Chedavakku.

Habitat : —Western Peninsula ; Malabar and Travancore. Trimen : Habitat — Malabar and Travancore, very common in the low country of Ceylon.

A glabrous, generally middle-sized, at times a large, tree. bark 1/6in. ; greyish brown, tessallated in somewhat erect angular squares. Wood hard ; sapwood reddish brown, heart-wood dark red, much streaked with black, close-grained. Leaves trifoliate, 2-7in. Leaflets pinkish, says Trimen, 2-3in. long, elliptic, obtuse, often refuse, glabrous, shining, pale beneath.