Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/382

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the leaves — The Nîm or Margosa leaves, Eng. Nîmb-ké-pât, nîm-kâ-patta, Hind. Nîm-ké-patté, Duh. Vémbu-ilai,véppam- ilai, Tam. Vépa-âku, Tel. Veppa ela, ariya-véppa-ela, Malyal. Bévina-yale, bévina-mara-yale, Kan. Nimpâtâ, Beng. Limba,- châ-pâne, Mah. Limba-un-pândru, Guz. Kohumba-kola, nîmba-kola, Cing. Tamayo-e, Bur. Barge-ázâd-darakhte-hindî, barge-nîb, Pers. Of the gum — The Nîm or Margosa gum, Eng. Nîmb-kâ-gônd, nîmb-kâ-gônd, Hind. Nim-bâchk-gônd, Duk. Vémbu-pishin, veppam-pishin, Tâm. Vépapi-sunu, Tel. Veppa- pasha, ariya-vêppa-pasha, Malyal. Bévina-gôndu, bévina-mara- gôndu, Kan. Trimen — " in Ceylon, in Sinhalase, Kohmba, Tamil, âVémpu." Nîm-lâsa, Beng. Limbâ-che-gônda, Mah. Limba-nu-gûndar, Guz. Kohumba-melliyam, nimba melliyam, Cing. Tama-sî, tama- bin-sî, Bur. Samaghe-nîb, Samaghe- âzâd-darakhte-hindî, Pers. Of the toddy — The Nîm or Margosa toddy, Eng. Nîmb-kâ-nîrâ, Nîmba-kâ-nîrâ, Hind. Nîmba-chaâ- nîrâ, Duk. Véppam-kallu, Tam. Vepa-kallu, Tel.

Vern. : — J. Indraji (Porebunder and Guj.) Limbdo. (Marathi) Kadu Nimb ; Nimba; (Hindi) Hiva Nim. Vempu (Tamil); Kohomba (Sinhalese).

Habitat : — Common throughout India.

A tall tree, with a straight trunk and long spreading branches. Altogether a very handsome, graceful, shady tree in the Deccan and the Concan, 40-50ft Bark grey, with numerous scattered tubercles. Wood hard, close-grained ; sapwood grey, heart-wood red. Young parts glabrous- Leaves 8-15in., rather crowded near the ends of branches, simply pinnate. Rachis 6-9 inches, says Trimen, glabrous. Leaflets 2-8 pair and alternate, 1-3 by ½-1½in., 9-15 pair, says Hiern ; opposite or alternate, very shortly stocked ; lanceolate, falcate, very unequal-sided, oblique at base, coarsely dentate-serrate, glabrous, pale green. Flowers small, in lax, narrow, axillary panicles, 5-8in. long ; white, sweet-scented. Sepal rounded, finely ciliate ; staminal-tube dilated above, hairy within, teeth truncate, trifid, recurved. Anthers small, erect. Ovary 3-celled. Drupe oblong-ovoid ⅝-¾in., blunt, smooth. Fruit greenish yellow when ripe. Pulp scanty ; endocarp bony. Seed solitary.