Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/372

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The leaves fall about March and April, the fresh foliage comes out in June. Flowers, when the tree is leafless, sometimes before the old leaves fall or after the fresh appear. Coppices well, and readily grows from the cutting (Brandis).

" Uses : — The gum of this tree is used as a diaphoretic and astringent, and is used in the preparation of ointment for sores. It is also prescribed with clarified butter in syphilitic diseases ; with cocoanut oil for sores ; and as a stimulant in pulmonary diseases. The Olibanum is also given in bronchorrœa and chronic laryngitis, employed both internally and in the form of fumigation. An ointment has been prepared from it which is said to be a good stimulant application to carbuncles, ulcerations, boils, &c. The Mahomedans consider it hot and dry, and to have dessicative, astringent properties " (Dymock).

" The resin in tears is known is kûndûr, but in soft masses it is called gundah-ferosah" (Modeen Sheriff.) In Bombay it is known as gandaberoza.

Mixed with gum acacia, it is used as a corrective for foul breath. Used for any length of time in one drachm doses it is said to reduce obesity.

Dr. Moodeen Sheriff considers it to be an internal and external stimulant, expectorant, stimulant diuretic and stomachic. It is also a slight hepatic stimulant. Useful in jaundice, not depending on mechanical obstruction, and in some slight and chronic cases of diarrhœa, dysentery, dyspepsia, pulmonary affections and hæmorrhoids. In the form of an oily solution, it exercises some good influence over the growth of the hair ; and in that of an ointment, it excites a healthy action in some weak and unhealthy kinds of ulceration.

" The gum-resin is used to promote the absorption of bubo, and is applied locally. The oil in 10 or 20 minim doses is useful in gonorrhoea, taken in demulcent drinks" (Surgeon C. M. Russel, Bengal.)

" Refrigerant, diuretic, and emmenagogue" (Saboona Lal, Hospital-Assistant, Jubbulpore.)

"Astringent, applied in the form of an ointment to chronic ulcers, diseased bones, buboes, &c."