Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/351

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In Nagpur, the santras yield two crops in the year, the first crop from November to January, and the second in March and April (Brandis).

239. — C. decumana, Linn, h.f.b.i, i. 516.

The Pomelo or Shaddock-Pumel.

Vern. : — Mahánibu ; chakôtrá ; bátávi nebu ; Sadáphal (H.); Bátávi nebu ; mahá nembu ; chakotrá ; bator-nebú. (B.); chakotra (Pb.) ; Bijoro (Sind.) ; Oba Kotru (Guz) ; Panas Popnas (Bomb.), Papnassa ; 6 pappanassa (Mar.); Bombalinas (Tam.); Edapandu (Tel.); Sakotra hannu (Kan.).

Habitat : — Cultivated in India.

An evergreen tree, 30-40ft. The trees very seldom reach higher than 10ft. in Bombay as grafts from " Goti," Bark thick ; young shoots pubescent. Leaflets large, ovate-oblong, 6-9in., frequently emarginate, pubescent beneath, petiole broadly winged. Flowers large, white, highly odorous, the scent most delicate and delicious forming the " Neroli Water " very largely used by the European Jews of Bombay and obtained from Asiatic Turkey, probably Baghdad or Basorah. Stamens 16-24. Fruit often very large, even larger than a man's head ; pale yellow when ripe, with juicy vesicles pink or crimson or pale rosy inside, in great abundance in each carpel, sweet or acid, slightly bitter in some varieties. Vesicle of pulp distinct. The vesicular pulp is not by any means acrid, as Hooker remarks, but acid. The rind of the fruit is spongy, and the epicarp of it aromatic ; it is used by some Europeans in Bombay for making " Bitters," like Angustura bitters for mixing drops of it with sherry as a drink before dinner (K. R. K.).

Parts used : — The fruit and leaves.

Use : —The fruit is nutritive and refrigerant. It contains sugar and citric acid, with much essential oil in the peel. The leaves are said to be useful in epilepsy, chorea and convulsive cough (Punjab Products).

In Brazil, " a gum which exudes in quantity from this tree when it begins to decay, probably in consequence of the attack