Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/343

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oval or oval-oblong, or lanceolate, rounded at base, obtuse or acute, entire or nearly so, glabrous, except the pubescent mid rib beneath ; conspicuously gland-dotted. Petiole ½in., twisted- Flowers ¾in., on short pubescent peduncle, 1-3 together in the axils. Calyx woolly-pubescent, lobes 5, shallow, rounded. Petals 5, oblong-linear, recurved. Filaments hairy. Ovary 5-cellecl. Stigma large, capitate. Berry yellow, globose, pyriform, over 1in. long, smooth. Seeds several, large, compressed (Trimen).

Rather common in the low country, Ceylon ; Sikkim, Bhutan Khasi Hills, Tenasserim, Western Ghats, South India. Darjeeling, N. E. Himalaya.

Trimen gives Sinhalese name : — Wellangiriya.

Part used : — The root.

Use : — In the Concan, the root is given to cattle suffering from bloody urine, or bloody fluxes from the abdomen. When on a visit to Goa, I observed that the country people made use of the root as an alterative tonic (DYMOCK.)

235. P. longispina. Hook. H. f. b. i, i. 511,

Vern : — Ban Nimbu (Sundribuns).

Habitat:— Eastern Sunderbuns, at Baniakhali (Prain) Malacca.

An erect, glabrous shrub. Branches stout ; spines long, straight, below petioles, opposite and alternate, sometimes 2in. long. Leaflets oblong, subacute, 3-4in., base cordate. Petiole very short. Flowers ⅓in. long, solitary, small ; pedicels very short. Calyx-lobes obtuse, 5. Petals ½in., broad, oblong, obtuse. Stamens 10, short, equal, glabrous, equalling the linear anthers. Anthers narrow, with a long apiculus. Style stout, cylindric ; ovary 3-4-celled, 4-ovuled, stipitate. Fruit a berry, 3-4-angled, 1-1¼in. long, between globose and ovoid ; 3-4-celled. Ovules superposed in pair. Rind of fruit thick, coriaceous, glandular. Pulp O. Seeds 2-4 in each cell ; oblong, compressed, narrowed at base into a short beak.

Use : — Fruit used in cases of colic Prain's (Flora of the Sunderbuns, p. 291).