Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/311

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A villous and hispid annual. Branches procumbent or ascending. Leaves stipulate, opposite, usually unequal, abruptly pinnate. Leaflets 5 pair, subacute. Stipules ovate, acute. Petals about equalling the sepals. Flowers ⅓-½in. diam. Peduncles shorter than the leaves. Stamens 5-10. Fruit broadly pyramidal, somewhat pointed ; cocci hirsute, 2-seeded, the spines confluent into toothed wings. Fruit slightly bitter, eaten by the desert nomads in Multan.

Part used : — The fruit.

Use : — The fruits are used for the same purpose as those of T. terestris, Linn.

In Baluchistan, the fruit is a domestic remedy for uterine disorders after parturition.

206. Zygophyllum simplex, Linn., h.f.b.i., i. 424.

Vern. :— Alethi (Pb.) ; Alethi ; putlani (Sind).

Habitat : — Sandy deserts ; Sindh, the Punjab, at Multan : Arabia.

A small prostrate herb, glabrous slender much branched ; annual. Leaves simple, cylindrical, small, sessile, fleshy, obtuse ; stipules lanceolate, acute. Peduncles as long as the obovate cucullate sepals. Petals spathulate. Scales 2-partite. Capsule deflected, turbinate, rough, of 5 compressed 2-3-seeded cocci. Seeds fusiform, smooth.

Use : — The Arabs beat up the leaves in water and apply the infusion to the eyes in ophthalmia, &c. (Murray.)

207. Fagonia arabica, Linn., H.F.B.I., I. 425.

Syn. : — F. mysorensis, Roth.

Habitat : — Throughout North-Western India, Sindh, the Punjab and the Southern Provinces of the Western Peninsula.

Sans. : — Dusparsha. Dhanvayâs.

Vern. : — Drummahoi (Sind); Samaba (Pb.) ; J. Tndraji : — (Porebunder and Guj.) Dbamâso ; (Marathi) Dhamâsâ ; (Hindi) Ustargar, Ustarkhar ; (Katchi) Dhrâmau.