Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/309

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The juice of the leaves is an effectual insecticide and a valuable application in scabies, if rubbed well and frequently over the affected parts (Moodeen Sheriff).

Useful in chronic rheumatism and asthma (Dr. Houston in Watt's Dictionary).


204. Tribulus terrestris, Linn. h.f.b.i., i. 423.

Syn. : — T. lanuginosus, Linn.

Habitat: — Throughout India; the warmer countries Ceylon. Throughout the globe.

Sans. : — Gokshur, Gokantak, Laghu Gokshur, Ikshugandha.

Vern : — Gokshri, hussak (H.) ; Gokhru (B.) ; Trikundree (Sind); Bhakhra(Pb.); Kânte Ghokrú (Dec); Sarâte (M.) Nerunji (Tam.); Palleru-mullu (Tel.) Nerinnil (Mal.) ; Lahna gokroo (Bomb.)

Vern. Trimen : — (Sinhalese) Sembu-Nerinchi ; (Tamil) Chira-nerinchi ;

J. Indraji : — (Porebunder and Guj.) Mithâ Gokhru, bethâ gokhru, Nahana Gokhru, Gokhru ; (Hindi) Chhota Gokhru :

Annual or perennial, with numerous long, prostrate, more or less hairy or hispid branchlets ; " herbs hirsute or silky hairy," as Edgeworth and Hooker say. Common in sandy ground. Branches 1-2ft. Leaves opposite. The pair usually unequal ; pinnate, with 3-6 pair of opposite, usually sessile leaflets. Leaflets ¼-½in., 5-7 pair, subequal, mucronate, oblong, white and silky beneath, slightly silky above. Stipules lanceolate, acute ; peduncles shorter than the leaves, slender. Flowers bright yellow, ½-¾in. diam., solitary, axillary, or leaf-opposed. Sepals linear, acute. Petals rounded, longer than sepals, fugacious. Ovary bristly ; style stout, short. Fruit of (usually) 5, hairy or nearly glabrous, woody cocci, each with 2 pair of stiff sharp spines, forming a more or less spherical, spiny ball.