Page:Indian Medicinal Plants (Text Part 1).djvu/302

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197. C. fascicularis, Lam. h.f.b.i, i. 398. Roxb. 429.

Sans. : — Chunchu, Kshetra Chunchu.

Vern. : — Hind — Khetapât, Bankosta — J. Indraji. Hirankhori, Mothi Bahuphali, (Bomb.) ; Jangli or ban-pât, bil-nalita (B.) ; Chhunchhadi, Ubhibahuphali, (Gujrat and Porebunder).

Habitat: — Throughout the hotter parts of India, from Banda to Bengal and the Western Peninsula, Porebunder,

An annual ' herb, erect, ramous. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, serrated ; 1-2 by ¼-½in. ; petioles very short, pilose. Peduncles 3-5-flowered, opposite to the leaves. Flowers yellow, subsessile fascicles, sub-pentandrous. Sepals 1/12 in. Stamens about 5 (W. and A). " 5-10 " says Max-well T. Masters (H. F. B I.). Capsules linear-oblong, or cylindric, 4-6 times longer than broad, nearly terete, villous, rostrate, with three terminal points, 3-celled, 3-valved. Seeds numerous ; transverse septa nearly obsolete.

Use : — It is very mucilaginous and somewhat astringent, and is valued as a restorative (Dymock.)

In Bombay, a watery extract, mixed with sugar-candy, is taken as a nutritive tonic. It is also given in seminal weakness (S. Arjun), but with doubtful success — K. K. Kirtikar.

198. C. antichorus, Raesch, h.f.b.i, i. 398.

Vern. : — Bahuphalli, kúrand, bophalli, bahúphalli, babuna (Pb.) ; Moodheeree (Sind) ; Baphuli (H.) (J. Indraji):--(Porebunder and Gujrat) Chhikni, Chhunchh ; Bethi-Bahuphali ; Bahuphali. (Marâthi) Bahuphali.

Habitat : — North- West India, from Sindh and the Punjab to Agra, Western Peninsula, in Kathiawar, Guzerat and the Deccan.

A perennial herb, woody 6-9 in., prostrate, much-branched from the base ; branches prostrate, tortuous, imbricate 6-7in. Leaves ½-¾ by ¼-½in., roundish, usually wrinkled, plicate, crenate-serrate, glabrous, the serratures not appendaged, base rounded or cuneate ; 3-nerved. Petioles ½-1in. long, very